Thursday, November 16, 2006

Only 1 left!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I have only 1 exam left.
Not only that.
But two shifts at work left!
That's right, I told Joe I'm quitting. Falay!
So, I only have to work Friday and then Saturday, and I'm done. Woo!
Speaking of work...
Apparrently, Erin cut her fingers off at work today. I'm supposed to be working with her tomorrow, so we'll see then 0.o

I'm sure I'll write something big, and reflective on Saturday night... So you'll all have to wait until then :D

Dentist today, not too bad.

And... this is the big one: I bought Tenacious D's new album! Woo!
Unfortunately, I got yelled at for listening to it 0.o
Just because they did a bunch of classical songs with swears substituted for lyrics...

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