Sunday, November 12, 2006

Eat it, you smug little twit.

Finally figured out what was REALLY wrong with my computer: My iPod charger was fucking it up.
That'll learn me for buying an apple product. $40 later, my computer works. Not to mention (but I already have!) $50 for a USB cable-to-AC adapter, and $35 for a leather case that sucks ass anyway. I hate you, apple. My next portable media player's gonna be a Zune.
Bite me, apple. Microsoft is giving us media with our "cheaper than iPod" media player, you, apple, YOU charge us $1.69 per song in a system that is debatably legal anyway, and you say that you're better than PCs. Bite me. Who's the best NOW, apple? Who's gonna win this battle of the computer giants, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates? My money's on the dude with too much of it already.

1 comment:

Josh said...

And that's why competition is good. Because, without it, companies get slack and start to release sub-par stuff. Microsoft can afford to take a loss on any media player they bring out especially if it allows them to kick the competition's butt. Which is why they're doing so well with the Xbox 360 - whilst Sony's profits plunged 98% to just under $10mil, that's bloody pathetic. MICROSOFT PWNS!