Sunday, November 12, 2006

Aren't you just so lucky.

3 Posts in a day from me. Damn, you lucky thing, you.
I've made a theory. I like music by people called "Ben."
Ben Kweller. Ben Folds. Benny (shudder) Hill.
Ben Folds, majorly, but I can't find any more stuff by him. I'll have to milk Jenna for it :D
He's got the coolest lyrics (I'll chuck some in at the end).

Also in the news today, I'm not going to fail English (just Maths and COMM), thanks to a marathon 2 hour homework session this evening.
Ben makes up story to go along with pictures of Israeli chicks signing bombs, hopes it goes down well. Film at 11...
Ben loves the mix Jenna made for him. Loves.
/tar Jenna

I hope she likes "Stubbs the Zombie: The Official Soundtrack" as much as I loved "Jen's Crazy Happy Mix."

This hasn't been the worst weekend, I've had to revise my top 10 chips list after last night (T.G.I Fridays FTW)... Wonder if I've ever posted that before... Hm.
Oh well, here it is (again).
1. Super Rooster
2. T.G.I Fridays
3. KFC
4. "Fish and Chips" Chips
5. Red Rooster
6. Barkley B.B.Q.
7. McDonalds
8. Different Fish and Chippery's Chips
9. Charcoal Chicken joint in Mooney Ponds
10. Hungry Jacks

That's the definitive list. Disagree, sure, I'll just ignore it.

In gaming news, I'm almost at lvl 60 in World of Warcraft, my old guild dissolved while I was MIA (due to computer), and I've resolved never to play Clinkz in DotA again (unless I random).
Moving to entertainment, my iPod now has over 1000 songs on it! Falay! 1028, to be exact, and I'm Downloading the last episode of Season One of Pure Pwnage (Pronounced Ownage). Damn, I have to learn how to talk like a gamer in Italian! Aaah!!1 Oh, it's cool. Found "pwn" in the Italian Wikipedia. I'm fine. Crap. It's... The same as the English one, but in Italian.

Dammit, got distracted reading Wikipedia. Never gonna be able to concentrate, this sucks. :( And still got 24 minutes on Pure Pwnage. Maybe I'll go play some laggy WoW untill this finishes.
Au Revior

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