Sunday, November 19, 2006

Exams are finally freaking over. Yay.

I got 91% on my Science exam, do I pwn or what? I did 1 mark better than Josh, too, which made me feel good inside, since it was partially on the whole Genetics unit, which he pwns hard at.

Oh, and 74% on Italian, so that's like, high B+ to an A, and about 3rd in the class (to Tamara and Emily, who got 98% each. But they're impossible to beat anyway, so I really did best in the class, out of the people it's actually possible to beat).

And 29/30 (97%) on the Multiple choice part of the Maths exam. Booyah.

So that's school pretty much done for the year... Except for 2 things: 1, year 11 orientation, and 2, writing frigging Ms Teleffson a response to her "personal letter." Does it really count as a "personal letter" if it's the same thing to every frigging year 10 and 11 in the school? I think not. Therefore, I have decided to do the complete opposite of what she's asked, and write an extremely vague response. Extremely Vague.

Oh, and the Italy trip. But you all knew about that, right?

And then there's the fact that I just quit my job... Oh, crud. I promised you all I'd write something pwnsome, didn't I. Dammit.

*sigh* ok.

So, on Wednesday, I went down to the deli, brought dad with me (for protection) and told Joe that I was quitting. He took it too well. WAY too well. Like, seriously, he was smiling.

Better write down what was said, for posterity, huh...
Amy: "Hi Ben!"
Ben: "Hi Amy"
Amy: "You here to see Joe?"
Ben: "Yeah"
Amy: "Ok... Joe, go over and talk to Ben."
*Joe walks over*
Joe: "Yes Ben?"
Ben: "I've decided that I don't want to work here anymore."
*Long Pause*
Ben: "Ok?"
Joe: "Yeah, that's fine."
Ben: "So, can you not put me on the roster next week, please?"
Joe: "Yep. Are you gonna finish this week?"
Ben: "Of course."
Joe: "Ok, that's fine."
Ben: "Thanks..."
*Ben walks off*

I still think (and hope) that he died a little inside when I told him that, but oh well.

So, yeah. I did my last two shifts on Friday and Saturday. Friday was pretty shit, I still don't like the idea of Nicole being a manager, but I guess that's just something I'll have to live with. Oh, wait. No I won't, I quit. Ha. Seriously though, Joe must have been smoking something more noxious than normal when he did that roster. First time I worked with her as a manager, she brought a friend down to learn the deli ropes. Which, with Me, Nicole, another manager (say, Jenna) and this new girl (Gabby (not lying) her name was) it would have been fine. Not, however, Me, Nicole (FIRST FUCKING TIME MANAGING) Gabby and Hannah, what the FUCK was he thinking?! Gah! /stab.
So, then he had the balls to just do Me, Nicole and Gabby. God, he is a moron. We were late, of course. I swear, I was gonna hit him on Saturday, which was even worse. I'd come from a nice day out with some friends, to this joint (which I affectionately refered to as a "sty") that stank, had flies everywhere, and quickly drying meat on the counter. So, I got to work.

Unfortunately, Jenna had a bout of hay-fever, was sneezing (not to mention dripping, ew) like crazy, and she sneezed so hard she got 2 blood noses (nosi?). So, me being the pwnage dude I am, I offered to do any jobs she didn't want to, and we only got out... 15 mins late. Which wasn't too bad, considering how fucking late we were. I made sure to tell them (Jenna and Hannah(unfortunately, only because it'd look stupid "Cya Jenna, I'll miss you... Cya Hannah")) that I'd miss them, and walked out of what had been my home away from home for the past 1 year, 18 months and 5 days.

People I'm gonna sorely miss:
Erin (male)(just because, shut the hell up, ok?)
People I'm just gonna miss a little bit:
Erin (female)
Hannah (go ahead. laugh. I dare you. go on. wanna go me, punk? huh? don't make me get my fucking cousins on you, I'll fully do it. You're lucky this chair is holding me back (hold me back), you're fucking lucky he's holding me back!)
People I'm indifferent about:
People who's corpses I shall gleefully dance on:
Joe. Haha.

If I forgot anyone, it's because I don't didn't work with you enough to remember you. My bad.

Well, I guess that about wraps it up for this one... Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to write an email about a crummy school.

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