Sunday, November 12, 2006

Theme Song!

Two years on, and I haven't managed to find one. Now, thanks to Jenna, I have.
When you read this, imagine the craziest trumpet playing in the backround.

watch out for them monkeys
those crazy big guys drinking in the bar downtown

watch out for them monkeys
They'll knock you right off your feet onto the ground
They'll take pleasure being hormonally insane
They'll find solace knocking you right upside the brain

watch out for them monkeys
those crazy big guys drinking in the bar downtown
watch out for them monkeys
They'll knock you right off your feet onto the ground
They'll find solace being hormonally insane
They'll take pleasure knocking you right upside the brain

watch out for them monkeys
those crazy big guys drinking in the bar downtown
watch out for them monkeys
They'll knock you right off your feet onto the ground!


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