Saturday, November 04, 2006

What could there be to write about. Well, I just realised that school charges for uploading stuff to the internet, globviously at about 100X more than Downloading stuff costs. As such, when I tried to bail out my 15.3Mb of "inappropriate material" (Simpsons music, mostly), it cost me about $4. And it didn't even send. Son of a bitch, that sucks the ball.

God damn.
I finally figured out what the hell was wrong with this computer and hotmail, dad had a firewall set up (yes, I'm using dad's laptop), so I disabled that shit uber fast, and here we are.
Speaking of computers, my computer went into the computer joint today, the dude's gonna call us back on Monday, maybe I'll get it back before exams start =/

Hehe, that just sparked another mental-pathway into existance.
On Monday, I was sitting in the office at work, Joe rushes in, takes a phone call from his disheveled wife (her brother died, RIP), says "Ben, can you please call Vanessa or Rachel? Erin's sick, and Hannah's not answering her phone." Zoom, he's gone.
So, there's me, already with an uber-unhealthy phobia of calling people, forced into calling two members of the opposite gender. Instantly, I go into panic mode. Who do I call first? Aah! So, I called Vanessa's mobile, then her house (no answer from either, although I did hang up 3 rings into her house) then Rachel's mobile (off)... Then waited 2 mins (hyperventilating and counting to 30 abounded) and called her house, got a very-pissed off sounding person who said that she wasn't there, so I bailed as fast as the social conventions of the day would allow. I collapsed onto the chair, defeated, my job done. I went and told Amy the bad news, she'd have to stay back and close with me and Jenna, which would have been fun, Amy's cool. "Can you please go call Hannah's house, Ben? Just to make sure?" Instantly, in my head, a sunny chorus of "CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP" resounded. For those of you just joining us, the current office joke is that "Hannah and I are madly in love with each other, yet neither of us will admit it." It's been current for the past 2 months or so, yet conveniently, I haven't worked with Hannah for that time, thank god. Mostly perpetuated by Erin, Amy and Jenna, it's an evil, wicked rumor, and should be killed. Anyways, I swallowed those evil, evil butterflies that seem to love eating my stomach mucus of late (causing my stomach to digest itself, quite painfully, too) and called her. After a billion rings (I was frozen to the reciever in fear) she picked up, I asked for Hannah (she doesn't sound like herself on the phone 0.o) she said it was Hannah *awkward pause*, Joe wants you to work... She'll call back later after conferring with her parents... ZZZ... She ended up working (who could resist ME asking them to work :D HAHA) And thanks to Jenna, it was one of those very awkward shifts, made fun by constant "reminders of our love." Thanks, Jenna, this wasn't nearly awkward enough. I interjected, after Hannah pointed out something I said >6 months ago, that she was a stalker. GG, I win.

Anyways, this post has become much longer than I wanted it to be, so I'm gone for the evening. Don't expect another post for a while, not untill Thursday at the earliest.
P.S. I am not in love with Hannah. Say what you want, Jenna, Erin, Amy and Hannah (in your head, where only the voices listen), it's not true.

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