Friday, November 24, 2006


Zomg, I just realised: I've been operating for the last two years or so without the safety net of a "disclaimer". Man, Anyone could have sued me, since I didn't have some shitty five lined piece of crap absolving me of any responsibility. Oh no.

So, without further bull shit, here is the definitive, all covering, Disclaimer of Pwnage. Read it well.
  1. Anything on this page is correct. It's like Wikipedia, except only I can edit it. Therefore, any conflicting ideas concerning this page are obviously wrong.
  2. Morons will be bagged, and quite liberally. This is not to say that people with below average intelligence will be, just those who make it extremely obvious that they're the frigging stupidest people you've ever met in your life.
  3. If you find something offensive on this page, I'm sorry. However, as already stated, it's correct, so, learn to live with it.
  4. If your name (or organisation) is in the "hell" at the bottom of the page, I recommend you stay away. For my sake.
  5. If you have any objections to anything I've ever written, are currently writing, or will write in the future, then say so. I just won't listen, because, as per #1, anything I ever write here is correct.
  6. Address all complaints to this address:(Email me!)
  7. No, that's not the Scientology "Volunteer Ministers" email address. I'm not lying, see #1.
  8. Any further queries can be left in the comments section.
Note: this is not a copy (or paraphrasing) of Maddox's page. So shut up about how I bagged out Ben T last post about copying Maddox's disclaimer, it's different.

While I'm here, I might as well point something about Scientology. First off: I hate them. The religion was started by L. Ron Hubbard, a failing Science Fiction writer. Second, the entire "religion" is a steaming pile of crud anyway. Evidence? Xenu, Wikipedia. Read those pages, especially the Xenu one, that's really good, then come back. I can wait.

Yeah. That picture's from the the 1998 BBC Panorama documentary "The Road to Total Freedom?" Probably should watch that too.

Oh, you're back. Yeah, um... Third, they're pretty frigging sneaky, and normally I'd respect that, but they're using "Psychiatrists" to trick people into paying massive amounts of money for psychiatric help, which doesn't actually get them anywhere, just makes them take more brainwashing Scientology courses. As opposed to regular Psychiatry, which does get results, despite the massive cost ($150 an hour, at least).
That picture there is the "evil" entity in the Scientology story, a dude named Xenu. Apparrently, 75 million years ago, he rounded up about 14 billion people... Bleh, I can't be bothered, I'll just copy and paste from Wikipedia. Enjoy.


Seventy-five million years ago, Xenu was the ruler of a Galactic Confederacy which consisted of 26 stars and 76 planets including Earth, which was then known as Teegeeack. The planets were overpopulated, each having on average 178 billion people. The Galactic Confederacy's civilization was comparable to our own, with people "walking around in clothes which looked very remarkably like the clothes they wear this very minute" and using cars, trains and boats looking exactly the same as those "circa 1950, 1960" on Earth.

Xenu was about to be deposed from power, so he devised a plot to eliminate the excess population from his dominions. With the assistance of "renegades", he defeated the populace and the "Loyal Officers", a force for good that was opposed to Xenu. Then, with the assistance of psychiatrists, he summoned billions of people to paralyse them with injections of alcohol and glycol, under the pretense that they were being called for "income tax inspections". The kidnapped populace was loaded into space planes for transport to the site of extermination, the planet of Teegeeack (Earth). The space planes were exact copies of Douglas DC-8s, "except the DC-8 had fans, propellers on it and the space plane didn't." DC-8s have jet engines, not propellers, although Hubbard may have meant the turbine fans.

When the space planes had reached Teegeeack/Earth, the paralysed people were unloaded and stacked around the bases of volcanoes across the planet. Hydrogen bombs were lowered into the volcanoes, and all were detonated simultaneously. Only a few people's physical bodies survived. Hubbard described the scene in his abortive film script, Revolt in the Stars:

Simultaneously, the planted charges erupted. Atomic blasts ballooned from the craters of Loa, Vesuvius, Shasta, Washington, Fujiyama, Etna, and many, many others. Arching higher and higher, up and outwards, towering clouds mushroomed, shot through with flashes of flame, waste and fission. Great winds raced tumultuously across the face of Earth, spreading tales of destruction. Debris-studded, and sickly yellow, the atomic clouds followed close on the heels of the winds. Their bow-shaped fronts encroached inexorably upon forest, city and mankind, they delivered their gifts of death and radiation. A skyscraper, tall and arrow-straight, bent over to form a question mark to the very idea of humanity before crumbling into the screaming city below...

The now-disembodied victims' souls, which Hubbard called thetans, were blown into the air by the blast. They were captured by Xenu's forces using an "electronic ribbon" ("which also was a type of standing wave") and sucked into "vacuum zones" around the world. The hundreds of billions of captured thetans were taken to a type of cinema, where they were forced to watch a "three-D, super colossal motion picture" for 36 days. This implanted what Hubbard termed "various misleading data" (collectively termed the R6 implant) into the memories of the hapless thetans, "which has to do with God, the Devil, space opera, etcetera". This included all world religions, with Hubbard specifically attributing Roman Catholicism and the image of the Crucifixion to the influence of Xenu. The interior decoration of "all modern theaters" is also said by Hubbard to be due to an unconscious recollection of Xenu's implants. The two "implant stations" cited by Hubbard were said to have been located on Hawaii and Las Palmas in the Canary Islands.

In addition to implanting new beliefs in the thetans, the images deprived them of their sense of personal identity. When the thetans left the projection areas, they started to cluster together in groups of a few thousand, having lost the ability to differentiate between each other. Each cluster of thetans gathered into one of the few remaining bodies that survived the explosion. These became what are known as body thetans, which are said to be still clinging to and adversely affecting everyone except those Scientologists who have performed the necessary steps to remove them.

The Loyal Officers finally overthrew Xenu and locked him away in a mountain, where he was imprisoned forever by a force field powered by an eternal battery. (Some have suggested that Xenu is imprisoned on Earth in the Pyrenees, but Hubbard merely refers to "one of these planets" [of the Galactic Confederacy]; he does, however, refer to the Pyrenees as being the site of the last operating "Martian report station", which is probably the source of this particular confusion.[3]) Teegeeack/Earth was subsequently abandoned by the Galactic Confederacy and remains a pariah "prison planet" to this day, although it has suffered repeatedly from incursions by alien "Invader Forces" since that time.


You didn't have to read all that, but I did. It's pretty interesting, to see just HOW FREAKING STUPID this "religion" is. Any questions? Like, what kind of name for a planet is Teegeeack? That's the one that's going to haunt my dreams for weeks.

This'll probably be my last post before Italy, so I've tried to make it a good one. It's probably too long, and too boring, but I tried.

"Xenu is my Homeboy."

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

"My Stupid Website", or how Ben Thompson stole my idea

So, there I was, trying to find an awesome picture that I saw in the "Alphabet of Manliness," (It's a pirate kicking someone out a plate glass window, so freaking awesome), and I found one that sorta works, it's drawn by the same dude, but it's not really the same (it's my current Display Picture on MSN)... Anyway. I also found this:

That's right. Not only is he named "Ben", but he also took my "Amazing!" ARGH! Man, I am so freaking pissed off. This dude is a total fucking Maddox-wannabee, and it's got me SO PISSED OFF. His "catchphrase" is "Get Ben T." Hahahaha. Real funny, asshole. Here's an example: I'm not turning that into a link, I've already grudgingly linked it once. Here, look. I can do some Shite-assed "link to me" button, too.
Oh noes, the quality's not as good. Bite me, it's hard cramming many words into 150x50 pixels.

Anyways, here's some more similarities:
  • Award: Ben T's lame attempt at the prestigeous "Monkey of the Week" award, the "Badasss of the Week" is just terrible. Just, just not good.
  • Made by self: I think it's pretty freaking obvious, just by looking, at who'se page looks more pleasant.
The main reason, however, is this:
Taken directly from this bastard's page, his "Almighty Disclaimer"
  1. Almost everything on this site is bullshit. Don't email me and call me on it; I do that on purpose.

  2. Don't correct my grammar. I hate that.

  3. Almost every image on this site has been stolen from somewhere else. If I've stolen it from you and you're all pissed off about it or something, just let me know and I will either give you credit for it or take it down (as long as you're not a total dick about it).

  4. I reserve the right to publish any email you send to me or anyone on this site. If you've got your panties in a wad over something that was written on a humor website that nobody even reads, you probably need to either lighten up or just do what a normal rational human being would do and don't read it. If you're really pissed off for some reason, and absolutely feel like you have to email us, don't be upset when we post your inane ramblings on the web so all our friends can laugh at you.

  5. All of these rules are subject to change at any time and without prior notice. If you can't deal with that, too bad.
This is SO obviously a copy of Maddox's disclaimer it sickens me.

Here's the disclaimer if you want to send me hate mail (Note: I decide what's hate mail and what's not):


By sending me hate mail, you acknowledge that I own all rights to the entire contents of your message, any images sent with the message, your email address, your house, your car, your first born and your soul. Furthermore, you agree to make your email address publicly available on this or any other web site, and you accept my views and opinions as being right regardless of anything. Furthermore, you agree that it is okay for me or anyone else to slander and/or libel you on this or any other web site, in public, at your place of employment, or anywhere else in this or any other universe and/or dimension. Know that sending me hate mail is a request for character defamation, endless belittling and excessive mockery. You may not sue me for any reason, ever, and this disclaimer is subject to change without notice, and you are still subject to the rules regardless of any changes made. If you do not agree with these rules, then don't send me hate mail.

See any similarities? I thought so.

In closing: Ben Thompson, go to hell.

Ben SMITH, The Amazing MonkeyMan.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Exams are finally freaking over. Yay.

I got 91% on my Science exam, do I pwn or what? I did 1 mark better than Josh, too, which made me feel good inside, since it was partially on the whole Genetics unit, which he pwns hard at.

Oh, and 74% on Italian, so that's like, high B+ to an A, and about 3rd in the class (to Tamara and Emily, who got 98% each. But they're impossible to beat anyway, so I really did best in the class, out of the people it's actually possible to beat).

And 29/30 (97%) on the Multiple choice part of the Maths exam. Booyah.

So that's school pretty much done for the year... Except for 2 things: 1, year 11 orientation, and 2, writing frigging Ms Teleffson a response to her "personal letter." Does it really count as a "personal letter" if it's the same thing to every frigging year 10 and 11 in the school? I think not. Therefore, I have decided to do the complete opposite of what she's asked, and write an extremely vague response. Extremely Vague.

Oh, and the Italy trip. But you all knew about that, right?

And then there's the fact that I just quit my job... Oh, crud. I promised you all I'd write something pwnsome, didn't I. Dammit.

*sigh* ok.

So, on Wednesday, I went down to the deli, brought dad with me (for protection) and told Joe that I was quitting. He took it too well. WAY too well. Like, seriously, he was smiling.

Better write down what was said, for posterity, huh...
Amy: "Hi Ben!"
Ben: "Hi Amy"
Amy: "You here to see Joe?"
Ben: "Yeah"
Amy: "Ok... Joe, go over and talk to Ben."
*Joe walks over*
Joe: "Yes Ben?"
Ben: "I've decided that I don't want to work here anymore."
*Long Pause*
Ben: "Ok?"
Joe: "Yeah, that's fine."
Ben: "So, can you not put me on the roster next week, please?"
Joe: "Yep. Are you gonna finish this week?"
Ben: "Of course."
Joe: "Ok, that's fine."
Ben: "Thanks..."
*Ben walks off*

I still think (and hope) that he died a little inside when I told him that, but oh well.

So, yeah. I did my last two shifts on Friday and Saturday. Friday was pretty shit, I still don't like the idea of Nicole being a manager, but I guess that's just something I'll have to live with. Oh, wait. No I won't, I quit. Ha. Seriously though, Joe must have been smoking something more noxious than normal when he did that roster. First time I worked with her as a manager, she brought a friend down to learn the deli ropes. Which, with Me, Nicole, another manager (say, Jenna) and this new girl (Gabby (not lying) her name was) it would have been fine. Not, however, Me, Nicole (FIRST FUCKING TIME MANAGING) Gabby and Hannah, what the FUCK was he thinking?! Gah! /stab.
So, then he had the balls to just do Me, Nicole and Gabby. God, he is a moron. We were late, of course. I swear, I was gonna hit him on Saturday, which was even worse. I'd come from a nice day out with some friends, to this joint (which I affectionately refered to as a "sty") that stank, had flies everywhere, and quickly drying meat on the counter. So, I got to work.

Unfortunately, Jenna had a bout of hay-fever, was sneezing (not to mention dripping, ew) like crazy, and she sneezed so hard she got 2 blood noses (nosi?). So, me being the pwnage dude I am, I offered to do any jobs she didn't want to, and we only got out... 15 mins late. Which wasn't too bad, considering how fucking late we were. I made sure to tell them (Jenna and Hannah(unfortunately, only because it'd look stupid "Cya Jenna, I'll miss you... Cya Hannah")) that I'd miss them, and walked out of what had been my home away from home for the past 1 year, 18 months and 5 days.

People I'm gonna sorely miss:
Erin (male)(just because, shut the hell up, ok?)
People I'm just gonna miss a little bit:
Erin (female)
Hannah (go ahead. laugh. I dare you. go on. wanna go me, punk? huh? don't make me get my fucking cousins on you, I'll fully do it. You're lucky this chair is holding me back (hold me back), you're fucking lucky he's holding me back!)
People I'm indifferent about:
People who's corpses I shall gleefully dance on:
Joe. Haha.

If I forgot anyone, it's because I don't didn't work with you enough to remember you. My bad.

Well, I guess that about wraps it up for this one... Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to write an email about a crummy school.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Just forget I ever posted that last one. I'm not gonna delete it, may it stand testiment to my moronicism.

Seriously, I get really paranoid over nothing. Moron.

Friday, November 17, 2006

My family suck ASS at passing on messages.
Like, someone could potentially call at, say, 8:30, and I'd find out at, say, 10:30, or not find out at all. Tell me that's not crap.

And this "potential" call could "potentially" be extremely important, say, and could really screw me over by my not recieving said message.

So. This sucks.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Only 1 left!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen, I have only 1 exam left.
Not only that.
But two shifts at work left!
That's right, I told Joe I'm quitting. Falay!
So, I only have to work Friday and then Saturday, and I'm done. Woo!
Speaking of work...
Apparrently, Erin cut her fingers off at work today. I'm supposed to be working with her tomorrow, so we'll see then 0.o

I'm sure I'll write something big, and reflective on Saturday night... So you'll all have to wait until then :D

Dentist today, not too bad.

And... this is the big one: I bought Tenacious D's new album! Woo!
Unfortunately, I got yelled at for listening to it 0.o
Just because they did a bunch of classical songs with swears substituted for lyrics...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Just remembered that I forgot to write anything about my day. 0.o

Oh well, nothing special.
Science exam, pwned that up hard. Pretty easy.

Very easy, infact, Iunno why people were complaining.


You ever google your own name? Like, "Benjamin Smith"?
Well, I'm sure your name isn't "Benjamin Smith", but if it is, howdy. You're the bomb.
Anyways. I googled "Benjamin Smith" just now. And wouldn't you know it. A Cricketer, an actor, and a racist mass-murderer. Yeah, turns out we're not all so straight and narrow. Sorry, my new found "Ben Friend", turns out we have a rotten apple in our barrel. This particuar Ben, "Benjamin 'August' Smith" was a member of the Creativity Movement, and apparrently decided that since one of their members didn't get a law licence or something, he'd go kill a bunch of non-white people. And, you know, he'd broken up with his Girlfriend of one year because he was hitting her... and he got in trouble at school for distributing literature about the Creativity Movement. Not to mention some drug problems.

So, ol' Benny boy decided to go huntin'. Over one weekend, he killed... (lemme count)... 3 and wounded about 10 (turns out the drugs were messin' with his aim). Then this crazy ass church made him a matyr. Falay!

Man, I'm never googleing myself again.


Monday, November 13, 2006

What a day. Frigging hell. Two exams, work, then out to dinner for this Italian dealie. Long freaking day.

The History exam was pretty easy, I was happy with how I went. Italian was a bit harder, but I'll be fine.
I have:
Tuesday: Maths
Wednesday: Science
Thursday: English
Friday: IT

Easy enough.

Work was pretty good today, better than I expected anyway. Nothing much to say about that, really, but I decided to go down tomorrow and tell Joe I'm quitting. Not very exciting.
And I found out what a 3-sided coin would look like. Imagine a cylinder that's as high as the radius of the circle.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Aren't you just so lucky.

3 Posts in a day from me. Damn, you lucky thing, you.
I've made a theory. I like music by people called "Ben."
Ben Kweller. Ben Folds. Benny (shudder) Hill.
Ben Folds, majorly, but I can't find any more stuff by him. I'll have to milk Jenna for it :D
He's got the coolest lyrics (I'll chuck some in at the end).

Also in the news today, I'm not going to fail English (just Maths and COMM), thanks to a marathon 2 hour homework session this evening.
Ben makes up story to go along with pictures of Israeli chicks signing bombs, hopes it goes down well. Film at 11...
Ben loves the mix Jenna made for him. Loves.
/tar Jenna

I hope she likes "Stubbs the Zombie: The Official Soundtrack" as much as I loved "Jen's Crazy Happy Mix."

This hasn't been the worst weekend, I've had to revise my top 10 chips list after last night (T.G.I Fridays FTW)... Wonder if I've ever posted that before... Hm.
Oh well, here it is (again).
1. Super Rooster
2. T.G.I Fridays
3. KFC
4. "Fish and Chips" Chips
5. Red Rooster
6. Barkley B.B.Q.
7. McDonalds
8. Different Fish and Chippery's Chips
9. Charcoal Chicken joint in Mooney Ponds
10. Hungry Jacks

That's the definitive list. Disagree, sure, I'll just ignore it.

In gaming news, I'm almost at lvl 60 in World of Warcraft, my old guild dissolved while I was MIA (due to computer), and I've resolved never to play Clinkz in DotA again (unless I random).
Moving to entertainment, my iPod now has over 1000 songs on it! Falay! 1028, to be exact, and I'm Downloading the last episode of Season One of Pure Pwnage (Pronounced Ownage). Damn, I have to learn how to talk like a gamer in Italian! Aaah!!1 Oh, it's cool. Found "pwn" in the Italian Wikipedia. I'm fine. Crap. It's... The same as the English one, but in Italian.

Dammit, got distracted reading Wikipedia. Never gonna be able to concentrate, this sucks. :( And still got 24 minutes on Pure Pwnage. Maybe I'll go play some laggy WoW untill this finishes.
Au Revior

Eat it, you smug little twit.

Finally figured out what was REALLY wrong with my computer: My iPod charger was fucking it up.
That'll learn me for buying an apple product. $40 later, my computer works. Not to mention (but I already have!) $50 for a USB cable-to-AC adapter, and $35 for a leather case that sucks ass anyway. I hate you, apple. My next portable media player's gonna be a Zune.
Bite me, apple. Microsoft is giving us media with our "cheaper than iPod" media player, you, apple, YOU charge us $1.69 per song in a system that is debatably legal anyway, and you say that you're better than PCs. Bite me. Who's the best NOW, apple? Who's gonna win this battle of the computer giants, Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates? My money's on the dude with too much of it already.

Theme Song!

Two years on, and I haven't managed to find one. Now, thanks to Jenna, I have.
When you read this, imagine the craziest trumpet playing in the backround.

watch out for them monkeys
those crazy big guys drinking in the bar downtown

watch out for them monkeys
They'll knock you right off your feet onto the ground
They'll take pleasure being hormonally insane
They'll find solace knocking you right upside the brain

watch out for them monkeys
those crazy big guys drinking in the bar downtown
watch out for them monkeys
They'll knock you right off your feet onto the ground
They'll find solace being hormonally insane
They'll take pleasure knocking you right upside the brain

watch out for them monkeys
those crazy big guys drinking in the bar downtown
watch out for them monkeys
They'll knock you right off your feet onto the ground!


Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Just been searching Uncyclopedia, and I found a page that let me calculate the value of my soul (in GAS dollars). I haven't been able to find a conversion rate yet, but until then, my soul is worth 604,546,320 GAS dollars. Apparrently, that's worth the souls of approximately 14745 kittens, or 2015154 dogs, or 11848 whales, or 403 yetis. Woo.


This has been, overall, a good long weekend.
Here's the rundown:
Didn't do anything. Good day.
Didn't do anything... again. Good day :D
Went to Galactic Circus, pwned HARD at M9 Laser Challenge, went to work =/ See previous post.
Today (Tuesday)
Woke up, lounged around a while, went shopping (buy book for history journal), laughed at people at Deli, went to Mooney Ponds (bought $50 iPod charger and $35 Case, very lame), came home, worked on journals, stopped for that crappy race, kept working for a few hours, had dinner.

Frigging Apple. They're as money grubbing as Google. Speaking of Google, and I know I'm slow on the uptake, but why would they buy YouTube? They have Google Video, wtf. All they need to buy now is eBay, Wikipedia and Apple, and Microsoft is screwed... More so than they are already.

Good weekend.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Butterflies in the stomach - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Butterflies in the stomach is a medical condition characterized by the physical sensation of a "fluttery" (hence butterflies) feeling in the stomach. Some believe that this is caused by the release of epinephrine, or adrenaline, when one is nervous, pulling blood away from the stomach and sending it to the muscles. Butterflies in the stomach is most often experienced prior to important events, when stress is induced, but can be experienced in situations of impending danger.

The phrase 'Butterflies in the stomach' is an example of an idiom.


Saturday, November 04, 2006

What could there be to write about. Well, I just realised that school charges for uploading stuff to the internet, globviously at about 100X more than Downloading stuff costs. As such, when I tried to bail out my 15.3Mb of "inappropriate material" (Simpsons music, mostly), it cost me about $4. And it didn't even send. Son of a bitch, that sucks the ball.

God damn.
I finally figured out what the hell was wrong with this computer and hotmail, dad had a firewall set up (yes, I'm using dad's laptop), so I disabled that shit uber fast, and here we are.
Speaking of computers, my computer went into the computer joint today, the dude's gonna call us back on Monday, maybe I'll get it back before exams start =/

Hehe, that just sparked another mental-pathway into existance.
On Monday, I was sitting in the office at work, Joe rushes in, takes a phone call from his disheveled wife (her brother died, RIP), says "Ben, can you please call Vanessa or Rachel? Erin's sick, and Hannah's not answering her phone." Zoom, he's gone.
So, there's me, already with an uber-unhealthy phobia of calling people, forced into calling two members of the opposite gender. Instantly, I go into panic mode. Who do I call first? Aah! So, I called Vanessa's mobile, then her house (no answer from either, although I did hang up 3 rings into her house) then Rachel's mobile (off)... Then waited 2 mins (hyperventilating and counting to 30 abounded) and called her house, got a very-pissed off sounding person who said that she wasn't there, so I bailed as fast as the social conventions of the day would allow. I collapsed onto the chair, defeated, my job done. I went and told Amy the bad news, she'd have to stay back and close with me and Jenna, which would have been fun, Amy's cool. "Can you please go call Hannah's house, Ben? Just to make sure?" Instantly, in my head, a sunny chorus of "CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP" resounded. For those of you just joining us, the current office joke is that "Hannah and I are madly in love with each other, yet neither of us will admit it." It's been current for the past 2 months or so, yet conveniently, I haven't worked with Hannah for that time, thank god. Mostly perpetuated by Erin, Amy and Jenna, it's an evil, wicked rumor, and should be killed. Anyways, I swallowed those evil, evil butterflies that seem to love eating my stomach mucus of late (causing my stomach to digest itself, quite painfully, too) and called her. After a billion rings (I was frozen to the reciever in fear) she picked up, I asked for Hannah (she doesn't sound like herself on the phone 0.o) she said it was Hannah *awkward pause*, Joe wants you to work... She'll call back later after conferring with her parents... ZZZ... She ended up working (who could resist ME asking them to work :D HAHA) And thanks to Jenna, it was one of those very awkward shifts, made fun by constant "reminders of our love." Thanks, Jenna, this wasn't nearly awkward enough. I interjected, after Hannah pointed out something I said >6 months ago, that she was a stalker. GG, I win.

Anyways, this post has become much longer than I wanted it to be, so I'm gone for the evening. Don't expect another post for a while, not untill Thursday at the earliest.
P.S. I am not in love with Hannah. Say what you want, Jenna, Erin, Amy and Hannah (in your head, where only the voices listen), it's not true.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Just a quiche...

Hotmail is still being a frigging asshole, so I can't check my e-mails. Maybe it's this computer, who knows.
Anyways, I can't check my e-mails, I can't play World of Warcraft, I can't talk to my friends (except on the phone, which scares me :P or IRL, which is unlikely) and can't charge my iPod. Lame.
Also, I'm sick, so odds are I won't be at school tomorrow. "This is the life", huh.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

That's clinched it.

Every computer in the universe hates me.
This is true.
My PC won't acknowledge my keyboard, mouse, iPod charger, etc
Dad's (which I'm using at the moment) has a shitty keyboard and won't let me onto Hotmail.
My DS kept crashing while I was playing Metroid Prime: Hunters.
Lame Lame LAME!

While I'm at it, I might as well point out every reason why today sucked.
I slept in 'till 8:15 (which is when I'm supposed to leave), thankfully dad said he'd drive me and Sam, so that was OK.
I got to school to be reminded of the monologue I was supposed to present in Period 1. I did that, then went back to History, pwned that up. I got yelled at for even considering not doing said monologue, how could I even think about doing that(?!) when everyone else has put so much into this (blahblahblah), I responded with "I don't care about this shitty subject. I hate it." Which netted me another glare, but at least I showed up to the volunteering work yesterday. Hah, "volunteering" my ass. "Ok, Ben, there's three places you can go. Keep in mind, if you don't go, you fail. There's the YWYC, that's accepting 5 girls, and there's the lost dogs home, which is accepting 2 people, so Jack and James are going there, and there's the Patricia Gladwel house. Where do you want to go?" /stab.
I had to go for a walk with Stan yesterday to "get the paper." If you don't know who Stan is, don't fret, because before yesterday, I didn't either. I sure as hell know him now, because we went on an hour long walk through Coburg, before finally walking down Sydney road and buying his newspaper. Then, when we got back, I walked in, waved at Kate, and got whisked away to read yet another newspaper to some bed-ridden mute dude. "He's a bit lonely" said Karen. I read two or so articles, then he motioned for me to go, quite rudely. It's not my frigging fault if I don't understand the vague hand gestures of an old man. So, then Kate and I went into some other joint and played balloon games with some more old people, 'till 11:3o when Kate went and played an out of tune piano for the oldsters. Then she roped me into playing my flute for them, which I didn't mind so much, I guess. So after that, we went to Barkley, got lunch, went past the Deli (Laura thought Kate was my sister, LOL), walked back to School. Kate got a bit pissed at me for not telling her what Josh and I talk about when we're sitting at the gate, so sue me for not wanting to tell you. She resolved to stop talking to me until I told her. I pointed out that if she wasn't talking to me, she couldn't start a conversation, and there'd be no hope of me ever telling her. Her resolve lasted from Jewell station to the lockers, a massive time span of 10 minutes. /applause. We then had a Maths test, which I pwned hard. It was seriously easy, but unfortunately Ms S had to point out that since I hadn't handed in the project, odds are I'd fail. So that kinda killed the mood. =/

Anyways, back to today.

After a kinda boring recess, we had Science, which was fun, Mr Rose came in and showed us a David Attenbourgh documentary, then we had to write some short pieces of prose about transitive forms, and sexual selection. Mine were sort of a "children's version", and I thought were pretty good. So good, when I get some free time on my computer (when it's fixed) I'll flash-ify it. Lunch was ok, sat at the gate and gossiped (not telling what about :P haha), then IT, which sucked. I finished my database, which was extraordinarily easy, for some reason 0.o

After school, I had to go and bake cupcakes for a fundraising event tomorrow, for world poverty week. Does anyone else see the irony of selling food to raise awareness about poverty? Probably not. Not to mention the facts that I really didn't want to be there, and that Jesse and Evan were being really frigging stupid, whipping people with tea-towels and generally abusing Rebecca. I pointed out that although she eggs them on, it's really their fault that she's getting depressed/moody/whatever, it's hard to keep track. Bad move, that was, because Jesse came out with some quote from a mullah that's getting fired, about how rape is the woman's fault and if she didn't dress so promiscuously, she wouldn't get raped. Not true, but that's beside the point. So, after that, I left (or got kicked out, depending on your perspective) and came home to find my broken computer, and an empty inbox. /cry.