So here I am in IT. I don't actually DO IT, but I'm in IT because our teacher is lasy, so we went into IT for some kicks. And I'm not complaining. It's fun. Not exactly worthwile, but still fun. I'm rambling, so I'll shut up maybe.
I did my Health exam this morning. If they were all that easy, I'd be a doctor NOW. It was so easy, I fell asleep halfway through (after I'd completed it of course). SO EASY, I guess, is what I'm trying to communicate.
Wednesday is a good day :D.
But, It isn't all good. Stupid Josh Chang. GOD DAMN. I know I'm gonna get yelled at for this, but it's true. He has got to be one of the most annoying people ever. Period. He's been punching me, and kicking and ramming and tackling me for about a month now, and I can't do anything (!) because if I do, I'LL be the one to get into trouble. So not fair.
Just like it isn't fair that I have to take his shit constantly, otherwise I'll be ostracized. But, as my role as a prophet, I predict that soon, he will fall. Take that how you will, including the prophet bit.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Excuse me for not posting in a couple days, I've been busy getting better, working hard and preparing for exams. So bite me, I reckon 8-9 posts in about a week is good enough.
Once, I used to be able to right whatever I wanted to on this blog. But then I realised how many people read it, so I had to take other measures to get my thoughts out of my head, and onto somewhere that I can see.
I had a diary once, that was fun. I had it for about 3 months. Then I destroyed it, because it wasn't good to keep something like that around. Too many personal secrets, too easily accessed. Kinda like blogs, I guess, but I was stupid enough to SHOW people my diary. That wasn't a fun day, I'll tell you that.
ANyway, exams. I've already had 2, some people have had 3, poor them :D. I've got Health tomorrow, then Italian Thursday, English Friday, And History and scumm on Monday.
Great week, huh. Of course, being me, I haven't studied NEARLY as much as I should have (read: not at all) and am henceforth not going to go very well. Meh. Like I care that much, it's Year 10, it doesn't matter.
P.S. Z'OMG! Over 1000 Hits! WOOOOO!!
Once, I used to be able to right whatever I wanted to on this blog. But then I realised how many people read it, so I had to take other measures to get my thoughts out of my head, and onto somewhere that I can see.
I had a diary once, that was fun. I had it for about 3 months. Then I destroyed it, because it wasn't good to keep something like that around. Too many personal secrets, too easily accessed. Kinda like blogs, I guess, but I was stupid enough to SHOW people my diary. That wasn't a fun day, I'll tell you that.
ANyway, exams. I've already had 2, some people have had 3, poor them :D. I've got Health tomorrow, then Italian Thursday, English Friday, And History and scumm on Monday.
Great week, huh. Of course, being me, I haven't studied NEARLY as much as I should have (read: not at all) and am henceforth not going to go very well. Meh. Like I care that much, it's Year 10, it doesn't matter.
P.S. Z'OMG! Over 1000 Hits! WOOOOO!!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Late night convo...
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you a small sample of the craziness Josh and I get up to over MSN at night... Between the hours of 10:15 and 11:20.
Incidentally, any views expressed in this conversation don't necessarily reflect those of either Josh or myself, we were both VERY tired, and both have just recovered from illness, so it's not our fault if we said something that offended you.
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
whats up?
Josh says:
why do u always ask that?
Josh says:
it's such a stupid question
there's only like, 2 answers to it
1.) the stereotypical white-gangsta 'not much'
Ben says:
Josh says:
2.) a boring explanation of what im doing
and even then its gramatically incorrect
and contextually
Ben says:
hang on a sec
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
how are you
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
1.) I'm good
(as in, bad day)
those are the two options
Ben says:
then what question should i ask?
"how you doin?"
Josh says:
Ben says:
"whats shaking"
Josh says:
that sounds like u want to get in my pants
Ben says:
Josh says:
shaking is even worse than the other two combined
Ben says:
Josh says:
how about 'what you up to?'
that's a bit more open
and less retarded/sexy sounded
Ben says:
but in the context of MSN/phone/texting, whats up means what are you up to
it's a broad question
Josh says:
well, when u say it to me it sounds retarded
Ben says:
Josh says
fucking computer is crashing so fucking much
i try to do a virus scan BUT THE COMPUTER CRASHES
Ben says:
like my pic?
Josh says:
so anyway, back to this mass attrition thing righ
we get 2 of every animal
Ben says:
Josh says:
and put them on a big ship right
and then we put peter on
coz we know he likes it
then.. here's the best part
Ben says:
Josh says:
i can successfully say ive killed one of every animal
Ben says:
two of ever animal
Josh says:
the second one is there for backup
Ben says:
i like my pic, it reminds me of me
a pale dude with glasses and many scars
well, just one scar
Josh says:
man, at laest jesse gets straight to the point
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
didn't even ask me
Josh says:
well, ben, if u ever come to school dressed all in black, with red glasses, pasty white skin and MASCARA....
I will:
1.) Call you christo and taunt you with a razor blade just out of reach
Ben says:
there's no MASCARA
Josh says:
check out his eyes man
Ben says:
they're Skary eyes, they're meant to be like that
Josh says:
what the fuck do u think the emos use?
they just put SO much of the fucking shit that it goes ALL AROUND the eyes
Ben says:
and i already have pasty white skin, so thats no problem
Josh says:
Ben says:
i could paint my glasses red....
Josh says:
do you want me to call you christo?
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
u didnt seem quite so against it the other night
no, he doesnt get good chicks
Ben says:
the sad thing is, we're pretty similar
Josh says:
just more emo ones
not really
christo is fucking weird
Ben says:
i know
i didn't mean like that'
Josh says:
well u and i certainly aint similar
Ben says:
i mean, looking at his "pickup strategies", i see similarities between him and me, at least me a year ago
Josh says:
well, i was gonna call u short, but ur like.. bah
Ben says:
not so short anymore
Josh says:
yes, the year before i implanted my protein strain into your brai-- er..
Ben says:
5'9"... maybe more
Josh says:
you are now 42% me
you do realize what's made of protein?
Ben says:
what about the other 58%
Josh says:
Ben says:
oh god
Josh says:
well, i managed to put in part marilyn manson
Ben says:
*rinses tongue out*
Josh says:
Ben says:
i thought you meant something else
Josh says:
what were u thinking?
oh, i must've spoofed in there by accident
Josh says:
Ben writes:

Josh says:
they aint so fucking little
looks like one of those things i saw floating in the toilet the other day
Ben writes:

Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
sorry, im in a humorful mood today, in case u havent noticed
Ben says:
i don't care, it's fun
Josh says:
mayb thats really ur tongue
or like.. a half-drawn duck with a bent-beak
Ben says:
Josh says:
with no eyes
or body
or lower-beak
Josh says:
man, its fucking weird
everyone at school is like, hanging on my every fucking word
i walk into class in casual right
Ben says:
Josh says:
so everyones like 'oooooh'
Ben says:
Josh says:
and kate's like, bursting to talk to me and ask me how i am
Ben says:
Josh says:
and bree sees me and shes like ... *jaw drops*
Ben says:
Josh says:
*imitates super owesome squad* hah.. your sexyy.... *Drools*
Ben says:
Josh says:
her friend did this awesome curl thing to her hair
but it was fucked up
Ben says:
Josh says:
coz she had it straightened half, then just this line where it went curly
and it looked gay
Ben says:
Josh says:
then she did something to it after school and its like.. 1000x better
looked kinda like emily with curls
that is, hair
Ben says:
Josh says:
but MAN jayden is fucking weird
Ben says:
Josh says:
me and bree are talking outside the train station (she made me miss my train, wtf)
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
he used to be in S-class
like, 9s
kinda dropped out
gone weird now
Ben says:
you mean justin?
Josh says:
ill poiont him out next time
no, jayden
Ben says:
red hair?
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
my bad
Josh says:
dw, obviously u dont know him
so he walks up to me and he's like *empty look*
'woooah.. are you going out with her?'
Ben says:
Josh says:
and im like 'uh... no'
Ben says:
did ya punch him?
Josh says:
*more empty looks*
'really? dont, she's fucking weird man.. crazy..' *stumbles off*
Ben says:
i woulda punched him
Josh says:
he's so fucking drugged up
not sure whether hes gonna fucking jump on ya and start punching you or whether hes joking around, lol
btw, dont mention to brooky that u havent studied
Ben says:
Josh says:
she has to do 37 and a half hours of study by thursday
Ben says:
Josh says:
im studying just for math and science
chinese ive got in my dictionary
english will be easy and we cant really study for that
IT is so fucking easy - basic html
history will be harder
Ben says:
Josh says:
and scumm will be so fucking easy its not funny
Ben says:
i'm boned in history and science
Josh says:
history got moved to the 5th
Ben says:
Josh says:
i couldnt remember if i told u or not
Ben says:
you didn't D
Josh says:
and i think i remember reynolds saying something about the project being due like, week after holidays or something
which could be a problem if im going to NSW
but i prolly wont
Ben says:
Josh says:
and if i do ill prolly kill myself
Ben says:
Josh says:
there's only so much time u can spend with 4 women
Ben says:
Josh says:
and an old dude before u go crazy
no guitar.. no computer..
fuck that, im taking my guitar, lol
Ben says:
Josh says:
now i just need a mp3 player... *nudge nudge*
Ben says:
Josh says:
*nudges harder*
Ben says:
"i won't pay, i won't pay ya, no wayyyyyy, now now why don't you get a job"
Josh says:
i was thinking more along the lines of backing up all ur music
Ben says:
Josh says:
and implanting my wonderful happy-go-emo songs and heavy metal into it
Ben says:
screw emo
Josh says:
they're not really emo
they just sound like they have emo lyrics, lol
Ben says:
like the offspring
and some RBF
well, 1 RBFD
Josh says:
no, the offspring have always been gay
i mean.. uh
*realizes hasnt clinched the deal yet*
Ben says:
*kills all chances*
Josh says:
esp. that one.. pretty fly for a white guy
i remember when it first came out
i like.. died that day
Ben says:
*has stopped listening*
btw, i got teh pure pwnage podcast
Josh says:
well congrats
Ben says:
thank you
Josh says:
too bad there's not much dif.
Ben says:
none whatsoever
do you have the E3 one?
Josh says:
nah, cbf'd
ill do it later
Ben says:
Josh says:
its late at night
Ben says:
wtf is up with wikipedia?!
its taking FOREVER
Ben says:
Virgins to Root, places to drink at
Josh says:
and now my forward button just stopped working, wtf
Ben says:
Josh says:
so great
my fucking forward button starts working
and wikipedia is running
then i go and copy + paste that wine bit
Ben says:
Josh says:
hang in there kitty
Ben says:
© 1958... persistant or not, that kitty is long dead
Josh says:
omfg great, so fucking wikipedia is being gay again
oh wtf
so i goto google
and that loads straight away
Ben says:
Josh says:
and then it must've fucking scared wikipedia into running
coz it started working
Ben says:
what are you searching for?
Josh says:
fucking google.. own everything now
Ben says:
just uise MSN search
Josh says:
i dunno, i randomly put it in to trick wikipedia into working coz it realized i was using something better
Ben is searching for:
Search finds:
SDS - Surf Dive 'N' Ski
Untitled Document
Salvatorians Australia
More Results ...
Ben says:
Josh says:
lesson learnt
dont put non-microwable plastics in the microwave
Ben says:
nice work
Josh says:
Ben says:
i mean, why would you do thta?
Josh says:
coz the package didnt say NOT to put int he microwave
so i just assumed it was okay
Ben says:
Josh says:
man, im fucking crazy
Ben says:
Josh says:
is rice meant to be black?
Ben says:
no it is not
Josh says:
i mean, theres red rice, theres white rice, there's gotta be black rice right?
we got whites - aka, us, reds - aka them, blacks - aka the other them
Ben says:
Josh says:
why not have equal rice?
civil rice movement
Ben says:
lmfaothats good
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
wait, no its not
just looked like it
Ben says:
Josh says:
its actually more reddish/black
Ben says:
Josh says:
the only thing im worried about the whole rice thing tho is
the picture said 'CHINESE black rice'
Ben says:
Josh says:
how fucking racist is this packet
'Black Rice Cracker'
Ben says:
wow, triple threat
Josh says:
Black rice cracker
340 x 255 pixels - 57k - jpg
Ben says:
did you read that?
Josh says:
Dried negro pepper fruits
247 x 216 pixels - 8k - jpg
Ben says:
looks like dried shti
yeah, i'm so puttin this on my blog
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
Plant family
Annonaceae (custard apple family).
so they ARE related to us
Ben says:
Josh says:
man, im so fucking random late at night
Ben says:
i know
Josh says:
u should bring some people over to my house and video-tape me sometime
Ben says:
and you complain when Brooklyn gets like this
Josh says:
like big brother but without all teh sex
Ben says:
Josh says:
but at least i make fucking sense
Ben says:
why limit yourself
Josh says:
she's just like. HAH
Ben says:
i rest my case
Josh says:
i actually make SMART observations
like the lack of African black rice
Ben says:
yeah, real smart
Josh says:
yer, why not?
Ben says:
Josh says:
u gotta admit the civil rice movement was pure genius
Ben says:
yeah, that was a good call
Josh says:
we got a white man trying to be black rice - eminem, we got a black man trying to be white rice - michael jackson
cept coz theres no african black rice
all eminem can be is CHINESE
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
wonder why im talking about rice so much?
coz im eating it..
Ben says:
i guessed
Josh says:
its good
it has some green pepper in there
Ben says:
my god, am i the only sane person at 11:16?
Josh says:
i havent ranted about that yet
its 11:14
or from the future
or im really lagging
Ben says:
Josh says:
nah, im trying not to
Ben says:
too late man
Josh says:
you know that, when i wake up - if i wake up, in the morning
Ben says:
TOO fucking late!
Josh says:
ill be back to josh
not reall
Ben says:
Josh says:
have i mentioned kate and u with stairs?
or cats?
ive mentioned chinese but not yet cats
Ben says:
it's happened man, it's happened, and you're too far gone to back
i think you just ddi
Josh says:
Ben says:
GG for me, i win
Josh says:
examples dont count nub
Ben says:
*victory dance*
hey, Josh's back
Josh says:
Ben says:
cya later
Josh says:
remember, make me look good
Ben says:
Aren't we awesome? And so are you if you got this far down the page without vomiting, or blowing up your computer to avoid reading it.
Incidentally, any views expressed in this conversation don't necessarily reflect those of either Josh or myself, we were both VERY tired, and both have just recovered from illness, so it's not our fault if we said something that offended you.
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
whats up?
Josh says:
why do u always ask that?
Josh says:
it's such a stupid question
there's only like, 2 answers to it
1.) the stereotypical white-gangsta 'not much'
Ben says:
Josh says:
2.) a boring explanation of what im doing
and even then its gramatically incorrect
and contextually
Ben says:
hang on a sec
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
how are you
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
1.) I'm good
(as in, bad day)
those are the two options
Ben says:
then what question should i ask?
"how you doin?"
Josh says:
Ben says:
"whats shaking"
Josh says:
that sounds like u want to get in my pants
Ben says:
Josh says:
shaking is even worse than the other two combined
Ben says:
Josh says:
how about 'what you up to?'
that's a bit more open
and less retarded/sexy sounded
Ben says:
but in the context of MSN/phone/texting, whats up means what are you up to
it's a broad question
Josh says:
well, when u say it to me it sounds retarded
Ben says:
Josh says
fucking computer is crashing so fucking much
i try to do a virus scan BUT THE COMPUTER CRASHES
Ben says:
like my pic?
Josh says:
so anyway, back to this mass attrition thing righ
we get 2 of every animal
Ben says:
Josh says:
and put them on a big ship right
and then we put peter on
coz we know he likes it
then.. here's the best part
Ben says:
Josh says:
i can successfully say ive killed one of every animal
Ben says:
two of ever animal
Josh says:
the second one is there for backup
Ben says:
i like my pic, it reminds me of me
a pale dude with glasses and many scars
well, just one scar
Josh says:
man, at laest jesse gets straight to the point
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
didn't even ask me
Josh says:
well, ben, if u ever come to school dressed all in black, with red glasses, pasty white skin and MASCARA....
I will:
1.) Call you christo and taunt you with a razor blade just out of reach
Ben says:
there's no MASCARA
Josh says:
check out his eyes man
Ben says:
they're Skary eyes, they're meant to be like that
Josh says:
what the fuck do u think the emos use?
they just put SO much of the fucking shit that it goes ALL AROUND the eyes
Ben says:
and i already have pasty white skin, so thats no problem
Josh says:
Ben says:
i could paint my glasses red....
Josh says:
do you want me to call you christo?
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
u didnt seem quite so against it the other night
no, he doesnt get good chicks
Ben says:
the sad thing is, we're pretty similar
Josh says:
just more emo ones
not really
christo is fucking weird
Ben says:
i know
i didn't mean like that'
Josh says:
well u and i certainly aint similar
Ben says:
i mean, looking at his "pickup strategies", i see similarities between him and me, at least me a year ago
Josh says:
well, i was gonna call u short, but ur like.. bah
Ben says:
not so short anymore
Josh says:
yes, the year before i implanted my protein strain into your brai-- er..
Ben says:
5'9"... maybe more
Josh says:
you are now 42% me
you do realize what's made of protein?
Ben says:
what about the other 58%
Josh says:
Ben says:
oh god
Josh says:
well, i managed to put in part marilyn manson
Ben says:
*rinses tongue out*
Josh says:
Ben says:
i thought you meant something else
Josh says:
what were u thinking?
oh, i must've spoofed in there by accident
Josh says:
Ben writes:
Josh says:
they aint so fucking little
looks like one of those things i saw floating in the toilet the other day
Ben writes:
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
sorry, im in a humorful mood today, in case u havent noticed
Ben says:
i don't care, it's fun
Josh says:
mayb thats really ur tongue
or like.. a half-drawn duck with a bent-beak
Ben says:
Josh says:
with no eyes
or body
or lower-beak
Josh says:
man, its fucking weird
everyone at school is like, hanging on my every fucking word
i walk into class in casual right
Ben says:
Josh says:
so everyones like 'oooooh'
Ben says:
Josh says:
and kate's like, bursting to talk to me and ask me how i am
Ben says:
Josh says:
and bree sees me and shes like ... *jaw drops*
Ben says:
Josh says:
*imitates super owesome squad* hah.. your sexyy.... *Drools*
Ben says:
Josh says:
her friend did this awesome curl thing to her hair
but it was fucked up
Ben says:
Josh says:
coz she had it straightened half, then just this line where it went curly
and it looked gay
Ben says:
Josh says:
then she did something to it after school and its like.. 1000x better
looked kinda like emily with curls
that is, hair
Ben says:
Josh says:
but MAN jayden is fucking weird
Ben says:
Josh says:
me and bree are talking outside the train station (she made me miss my train, wtf)
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
he used to be in S-class
like, 9s
kinda dropped out
gone weird now
Ben says:
you mean justin?
Josh says:
ill poiont him out next time
no, jayden
Ben says:
red hair?
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
my bad
Josh says:
dw, obviously u dont know him
so he walks up to me and he's like *empty look*
'woooah.. are you going out with her?'
Ben says:
Josh says:
and im like 'uh... no'
Ben says:
did ya punch him?
Josh says:
*more empty looks*
'really? dont, she's fucking weird man.. crazy..' *stumbles off*
Ben says:
i woulda punched him
Josh says:
he's so fucking drugged up
not sure whether hes gonna fucking jump on ya and start punching you or whether hes joking around, lol
btw, dont mention to brooky that u havent studied
Ben says:
Josh says:
she has to do 37 and a half hours of study by thursday
Ben says:
Josh says:
im studying just for math and science
chinese ive got in my dictionary
english will be easy and we cant really study for that
IT is so fucking easy - basic html
history will be harder
Ben says:
Josh says:
and scumm will be so fucking easy its not funny
Ben says:
i'm boned in history and science
Josh says:
history got moved to the 5th
Ben says:
Josh says:
i couldnt remember if i told u or not
Ben says:
you didn't D
Josh says:
and i think i remember reynolds saying something about the project being due like, week after holidays or something
which could be a problem if im going to NSW
but i prolly wont
Ben says:
Josh says:
and if i do ill prolly kill myself
Ben says:
Josh says:
there's only so much time u can spend with 4 women
Ben says:
Josh says:
and an old dude before u go crazy
no guitar.. no computer..
fuck that, im taking my guitar, lol
Ben says:
Josh says:
now i just need a mp3 player... *nudge nudge*
Ben says:
Josh says:
*nudges harder*
Ben says:
"i won't pay, i won't pay ya, no wayyyyyy, now now why don't you get a job"
Josh says:
i was thinking more along the lines of backing up all ur music
Ben says:
Josh says:
and implanting my wonderful happy-go-emo songs and heavy metal into it
Ben says:
screw emo
Josh says:
they're not really emo
they just sound like they have emo lyrics, lol
Ben says:
like the offspring
and some RBF
well, 1 RBFD
Josh says:
no, the offspring have always been gay
i mean.. uh
*realizes hasnt clinched the deal yet*
Ben says:
*kills all chances*
Josh says:
esp. that one.. pretty fly for a white guy
i remember when it first came out
i like.. died that day
Ben says:
*has stopped listening*
btw, i got teh pure pwnage podcast
Josh says:
well congrats
Ben says:
thank you
Josh says:
too bad there's not much dif.
Ben says:
none whatsoever
do you have the E3 one?
Josh says:
nah, cbf'd
ill do it later
Ben says:
Josh says:
its late at night
Ben says:
wtf is up with wikipedia?!
its taking FOREVER
Ben says:
Virgins to Root, places to drink at
Josh says:
and now my forward button just stopped working, wtf
Ben says:
Josh says:
so great
my fucking forward button starts working
and wikipedia is running
then i go and copy + paste that wine bit
Ben says:
Josh says:
hang in there kitty
Ben says:
© 1958... persistant or not, that kitty is long dead
Josh says:
omfg great, so fucking wikipedia is being gay again
oh wtf
so i goto google
and that loads straight away
Ben says:
Josh says:
and then it must've fucking scared wikipedia into running
coz it started working
Ben says:
what are you searching for?
Josh says:
fucking google.. own everything now
Ben says:
just uise MSN search
Josh says:
i dunno, i randomly put it in to trick wikipedia into working coz it realized i was using something better
Ben is searching for:
Search finds:
SDS - Surf Dive 'N' Ski
Untitled Document
Salvatorians Australia
More Results ...
Ben says:
Josh says:
lesson learnt
dont put non-microwable plastics in the microwave
Ben says:
nice work
Josh says:
Ben says:
i mean, why would you do thta?
Josh says:
coz the package didnt say NOT to put int he microwave
so i just assumed it was okay
Ben says:
Josh says:
man, im fucking crazy
Ben says:
Josh says:
is rice meant to be black?
Ben says:
no it is not
Josh says:
i mean, theres red rice, theres white rice, there's gotta be black rice right?
we got whites - aka, us, reds - aka them, blacks - aka the other them
Ben says:
Josh says:
why not have equal rice?
civil rice movement
Ben says:
lmfaothats good
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
wait, no its not
just looked like it
Ben says:
Josh says:
its actually more reddish/black
Ben says:
Josh says:
the only thing im worried about the whole rice thing tho is
the picture said 'CHINESE black rice'
Ben says:
Josh says:
how fucking racist is this packet
'Black Rice Cracker'
Ben says:
wow, triple threat
Josh says:
Black rice cracker
340 x 255 pixels - 57k - jpg
Ben says:
did you read that?
Josh says:
Dried negro pepper fruits
247 x 216 pixels - 8k - jpg
Ben says:
looks like dried shti
yeah, i'm so puttin this on my blog
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
Plant family
Annonaceae (custard apple family).
so they ARE related to us
Ben says:
Josh says:
man, im so fucking random late at night
Ben says:
i know
Josh says:
u should bring some people over to my house and video-tape me sometime
Ben says:
and you complain when Brooklyn gets like this
Josh says:
like big brother but without all teh sex
Ben says:
Josh says:
but at least i make fucking sense
Ben says:
why limit yourself
Josh says:
she's just like. HAH
Ben says:
i rest my case
Josh says:
i actually make SMART observations
like the lack of African black rice
Ben says:
yeah, real smart
Josh says:
yer, why not?
Ben says:
Josh says:
u gotta admit the civil rice movement was pure genius
Ben says:
yeah, that was a good call
Josh says:
we got a white man trying to be black rice - eminem, we got a black man trying to be white rice - michael jackson
cept coz theres no african black rice
all eminem can be is CHINESE
Ben says:
Josh says:
Ben says:
Josh says:
wonder why im talking about rice so much?
coz im eating it..
Ben says:
i guessed
Josh says:
its good
it has some green pepper in there
Ben says:
my god, am i the only sane person at 11:16?
Josh says:
i havent ranted about that yet
its 11:14
or from the future
or im really lagging
Ben says:
Josh says:
nah, im trying not to
Ben says:
too late man
Josh says:
you know that, when i wake up - if i wake up, in the morning
Ben says:
TOO fucking late!
Josh says:
ill be back to josh
not reall
Ben says:
Josh says:
have i mentioned kate and u with stairs?
or cats?
ive mentioned chinese but not yet cats
Ben says:
it's happened man, it's happened, and you're too far gone to back
i think you just ddi
Josh says:
Ben says:
GG for me, i win
Josh says:
examples dont count nub
Ben says:
*victory dance*
hey, Josh's back
Josh says:
Ben says:
cya later
Josh says:
remember, make me look good
Ben says:
Aren't we awesome? And so are you if you got this far down the page without vomiting, or blowing up your computer to avoid reading it.
Random iPod Facts, and Comparison
So, we have the family of iPods.
The Shuffle: 512(500) Mb and 1 Gb (976 Mb) (actual formatted sizes smaller) At $99 and $149, respectively. 22 Grams.
The Nano: 1 Gb (976 Mb), 2 Gb (1.953 Gb) and the 4 Gb (3.906 Gb) At $219, $299 and $359 respectively. 42 Grams
The iPod: 30 Gb (29.296 Gb) and the 60 Gb (58.593 Gb) at $449 and $598 respectively. 136 Grams for 30 Gb, 155 Grams for the 60 Gb.
Now, some random calculations :D For that is what I do best.
You get 45 Shuffles, or 23 Nanos, or 7 30g's, or 9 60g's in a kilo
That makes the 60g iPod worth $3858 a kilo :D.
If you go Mb:$, the 60G is the most worthwile, getting you $100 Mb for each dollar you spend.
Didn't that help everyone? Now everyone should go out and buy a 60 Gig iPod for themselves. And someone should get me one too...
Ladies and Gentlemen, congratulations, you have successfully finished reading the nerdiest post I've ever done. Well done, I promise that it won't happen again for a while.
P.S. Still sick today, obviously, I dunno when I'm coming back, but I hope it's Monday =/
P.P.S. 110th Post! Go me!
The Shuffle: 512(500) Mb and 1 Gb (976 Mb) (actual formatted sizes smaller) At $99 and $149, respectively. 22 Grams.
The Nano: 1 Gb (976 Mb), 2 Gb (1.953 Gb) and the 4 Gb (3.906 Gb) At $219, $299 and $359 respectively. 42 Grams
The iPod: 30 Gb (29.296 Gb) and the 60 Gb (58.593 Gb) at $449 and $598 respectively. 136 Grams for 30 Gb, 155 Grams for the 60 Gb.
Now, some random calculations :D For that is what I do best.
You get 45 Shuffles, or 23 Nanos, or 7 30g's, or 9 60g's in a kilo
That makes the 60g iPod worth $3858 a kilo :D.
If you go Mb:$, the 60G is the most worthwile, getting you $100 Mb for each dollar you spend.
Didn't that help everyone? Now everyone should go out and buy a 60 Gig iPod for themselves. And someone should get me one too...
Ladies and Gentlemen, congratulations, you have successfully finished reading the nerdiest post I've ever done. Well done, I promise that it won't happen again for a while.
P.S. Still sick today, obviously, I dunno when I'm coming back, but I hope it's Monday =/
P.P.S. 110th Post! Go me!
Thursday, May 25, 2006
So, we lost
Oh well. It isn't like it's the first time I've lost something, and although my ego's telling me otherwise, it won't be the last. Not for a while, anyway.
So, to recap, our team (Me, Hy and Alex Penman filling in for Josh) lost to the Academy of Mary Immaculate
Blaine, jesse and Kate's team lost to the Academy of Mary Immaculate
Gabby, Nick and Robert's team won against Penola Catholic College.
Bad night for our school. I sucked ass with my speech, seriously, no matter how bad the others were, I still think I dragged the team down with mine.
I got there at about 6:55 (for a 7 start). Hy greets me with "Hello Master Benny, do you have any notes for us?"
Alex continues with "Yeah, neither of us has any notes."
I scream plentiful obscentities, sit down and write a page of notes for each of them. Neither of them used my notes, and they wonder why we lost. Still, Academy's a good school, so I'm not surprised. Oh well.
So today was another day of sitting at home, doing nothing. I'm really tired too, and I don't know why. Doesn't make much sense. Maybe it's all the hard mental activity I did yesterday that tired me out. Hmmm...
So that was my day. Boring, as per every other sick day.
I doubt that I'll be going tomorrow, so thats cool.
P.S. Happy Birthday Gabby :D
So, to recap, our team (Me, Hy and Alex Penman filling in for Josh) lost to the Academy of Mary Immaculate
Blaine, jesse and Kate's team lost to the Academy of Mary Immaculate
Gabby, Nick and Robert's team won against Penola Catholic College.
Bad night for our school. I sucked ass with my speech, seriously, no matter how bad the others were, I still think I dragged the team down with mine.
I got there at about 6:55 (for a 7 start). Hy greets me with "Hello Master Benny, do you have any notes for us?"
Alex continues with "Yeah, neither of us has any notes."
I scream plentiful obscentities, sit down and write a page of notes for each of them. Neither of them used my notes, and they wonder why we lost. Still, Academy's a good school, so I'm not surprised. Oh well.
So today was another day of sitting at home, doing nothing. I'm really tired too, and I don't know why. Doesn't make much sense. Maybe it's all the hard mental activity I did yesterday that tired me out. Hmmm...
So that was my day. Boring, as per every other sick day.
I doubt that I'll be going tomorrow, so thats cool.
P.S. Happy Birthday Gabby :D
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I'm Fine Now!
Well, I'm probably still a bit sick, but I'm coming to after school Debating, and I'm also coming to debating tonight. We're against the Academy of Mary Immaculate, so watch out, we're gonna win :D.
Lighter note, how the hell am I meant to get into school without any of my teachers seeing me?
Oh boy, won't this be fun. Maybe I'll get there fashionably late. Yeah, that'll work.
I'm sorry I cut off your boyfriends arm... Need a hug?
Click on the title of this post for a funny site, if you like ninajs.
P.S. After being slaughtered by 8 points by the Mary Immaculate Girls, I concede defeat. We sucked ass, I sucked more ass than Hy or Alex (cuz Josh wasn't there) yet somehow I managed to get best speaker on our team.
Oh well.
Btw, I'm not coming to school tomorrow, my parents still think I'm sick, so at home I shall stay.
Lighter note, how the hell am I meant to get into school without any of my teachers seeing me?
Oh boy, won't this be fun. Maybe I'll get there fashionably late. Yeah, that'll work.
I'm sorry I cut off your boyfriends arm... Need a hug?
Click on the title of this post for a funny site, if you like ninajs.
P.S. After being slaughtered by 8 points by the Mary Immaculate Girls, I concede defeat. We sucked ass, I sucked more ass than Hy or Alex (cuz Josh wasn't there) yet somehow I managed to get best speaker on our team.
Oh well.
Btw, I'm not coming to school tomorrow, my parents still think I'm sick, so at home I shall stay.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
The Anti-Parabola Movement
Still sick, goody. It sucks being sick, you can't go out and do anything, because you might see someone and get accused of wagging, even if you look like you have cancer.
"Ben, why are you here, you're sick. OMG! WAGGER!"
*Ben passes out*
"Yeah, you think passing out will get you more time off..."
"Don't you have a seisure, it's bad manners."
*Ben is dead*
"Ooh, goody for Ben, another 2 weeks off for you!"
Oh, btw, after talking to several people our age, I've realised how pointless and stupid parabolas are. Seriously, why do we need to know this shit?
So, I've decided to start this Anti-Parabola Movement.

If you want to join, then you can copy this into your blog template/website HTML code/ print it onto a T Shirt.
<a href="">
<img src=""></a>
Just put it into the sidebar or something, I dunno, it's up to you :D.
So, still sick, eagerly awaiting the time when I can rejoin normal society.
"Ben, why are you here, you're sick. OMG! WAGGER!"
*Ben passes out*
"Yeah, you think passing out will get you more time off..."
"Don't you have a seisure, it's bad manners."
*Ben is dead*
"Ooh, goody for Ben, another 2 weeks off for you!"
Oh, btw, after talking to several people our age, I've realised how pointless and stupid parabolas are. Seriously, why do we need to know this shit?
So, I've decided to start this Anti-Parabola Movement.
If you want to join, then you can copy this into your blog template/website HTML code/ print it onto a T Shirt.
<a href="">
<img src=""></a>
Just put it into the sidebar or something, I dunno, it's up to you :D.
So, still sick, eagerly awaiting the time when I can rejoin normal society.
Monday, May 22, 2006
So, I'm meant to work today, right, and I called in about an hour ago (it's almost 1 now). joe picks up. Here's a summary of our conversation; it mightn't be all together, but here it is:
"Joe, Yes it's Fresh?"
"Hi Joe, it's Ben"
"I can't hear you"
*clicking noises*
"It's BEN, Joe, the little dude who works there?"
"Oh, Ben, why didn't you say so."
"Listen, I'm not gonna be able to-"
"What'd you say?"
"I'm not going to be-"
"I'm not going to be able to get to work today"
"Yeah, still really sick."
"Well Ben, this really isn't good, everyone's at school, it's a bit late. Are you sure you can't work?"
"Yeah, my nose is running like crazy"
"Ok Ben"
*Hangs up*
*Ben is left standing holding the phone, thinking "WTF"*
Now, I might have been in the wrong a bit, by leaving it so late, but it isn't like everyone there goes to school, there's heaps of adults there.
And I'm still sick, so no school tomorrow, which means I'm gonna fail all my exams. Grrr.
Oh well, they'll promote me to Yr11 anyway :D:D:D
P.S. 9 hours after posting this, I realised that someone outside (well, not too outside, I knew them) actually found my blog, and commented on it and read it. What are the odds of that happening, right after I posted that last thing?
So, I'm meant to work today, right, and I called in about an hour ago (it's almost 1 now). joe picks up. Here's a summary of our conversation; it mightn't be all together, but here it is:
"Joe, Yes it's Fresh?"
"Hi Joe, it's Ben"
"I can't hear you"
*clicking noises*
"It's BEN, Joe, the little dude who works there?"
"Oh, Ben, why didn't you say so."
"Listen, I'm not gonna be able to-"
"What'd you say?"
"I'm not going to be-"
"I'm not going to be able to get to work today"
"Yeah, still really sick."
"Well Ben, this really isn't good, everyone's at school, it's a bit late. Are you sure you can't work?"
"Yeah, my nose is running like crazy"
"Ok Ben"
*Hangs up*
*Ben is left standing holding the phone, thinking "WTF"*
Now, I might have been in the wrong a bit, by leaving it so late, but it isn't like everyone there goes to school, there's heaps of adults there.
And I'm still sick, so no school tomorrow, which means I'm gonna fail all my exams. Grrr.
Oh well, they'll promote me to Yr11 anyway :D:D:D
P.S. 9 hours after posting this, I realised that someone outside (well, not too outside, I knew them) actually found my blog, and commented on it and read it. What are the odds of that happening, right after I posted that last thing?
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Still sick, hopefully not another 2 week one though, because I got stuff that needs doing. Debating, Music, not to mention another SAC and revision for exams... Sigh. "I'm boned" as it could be put. Wouldn't it be funny if this blog got found by the mainstream? Like, got onto the front page, and someone clicked it and found this little record of my life. I mean, I've had other people click onto my site, from that Navbar dealie *points up* But I mean someone clicking on, and actually reading all this stuff I spend hours writing. That'd be awesome.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Screw Monday, I hate Saturday...
So, I wake up at 7. Which, considering how late I go to bed/sleep (they're different times, trust me) and when I wake up on a school day, is kinda strange. But still, 7. I think to myself "I could wake up, get food, maybe go on the computer." Then I realise taht I have work in two hours. So, to hell with that, I slept for another hour and a half. Then I got up, went to work at 9, went home sick at 12... Got a haircut, then came home, had some medicine, and plonked myself here, on the computer. Btw, thats a particularally shite photo there, as it was done on my $40 digital. Oh well.
More to the point, why in their right minds would anyone go to work at NINE in the morning, on a SATURDAY(!) is beyone me. Grrr.
More to the point, why in their right minds would anyone go to work at NINE in the morning, on a SATURDAY(!) is beyone me. Grrr.
Friday, May 19, 2006
iLinux :P
So I was down at Barkley Square today, with about an hour to kill before work, so I thought "Hey, I know, I'll go into the newsagent. And what did I see? An iPod/iTunes book. So I bought it. Wow, there goes $15... Oh well. Which brings me to the point. I bought the damn thing because it had this interesting little article that said "play a great game on your iPod!" The article's name was iDoom. So I brought it, not realising that I had to put the operating system Linux on the iPod first. Grr. It's a pretty similar interface as the iPod one, but strangely different... *shudders* Not cool. Seriously, it's creepy how blank and colourless it is. And now, while trying to PLAY iDoom, it's crashed. Yes, I managed to crash an iPod. Grrr. And all because I clicked on Music, then back straight away... Oh well, it's good now. Actually, it's pretty damn awesome... I'd almost recommend that everyone gets it, but then I remember that almost everyone has a Shuffle, or doesn't have an iPod at all... Hmmm... Oh well.
This is ALMOST what I'd classify as a BS post, as it really didn't say very much. Well, lets say something: I'm sick, again, which means two weeks off school for Ben :D
Just kidding, hopefully, I'd go mad being stuck at home for that long.
This is ALMOST what I'd classify as a BS post, as it really didn't say very much. Well, lets say something: I'm sick, again, which means two weeks off school for Ben :D
Just kidding, hopefully, I'd go mad being stuck at home for that long.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Excursion! Woo!
Pity it was with Ms Pearson, huh. Oh well, it was still fun to be out of the school for the day, and the play was pretty damn good. A bit too long though, but it was still fun. We saw Romeo and Juliet, by the Bell Shakespeare company, btw. Pretty good.
Btw, for those of you who didn't guess who everyone was in this photo, here it is again:

Left to Right : Josh, Ben, Nick, jesse, Kate, Gabby, Brooklyn.
Yeah, the person on the far right is Brooklyn, not Phedra or... I can't remember who else people guessed. And Brooklyn's photo had some creative consultancy, so thanks to Josh for that.
What else... *brings up comments from last post*
Whether emotional blackmail is legal or not, it still is very far from ethical... On my chain of morality :P I'd put it at (-25). Useful little thing, ain't it?
And jessica is a girly, isn't she?
Btw, for those of you who didn't guess who everyone was in this photo, here it is again:
Left to Right : Josh, Ben, Nick, jesse, Kate, Gabby, Brooklyn.
Yeah, the person on the far right is Brooklyn, not Phedra or... I can't remember who else people guessed. And Brooklyn's photo had some creative consultancy, so thanks to Josh for that.
What else... *brings up comments from last post*
Whether emotional blackmail is legal or not, it still is very far from ethical... On my chain of morality :P I'd put it at (-25). Useful little thing, ain't it?
And jessica is a girly, isn't she?
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
So, I've been thinking, in the wake of the 100th post, that if I were to post maybe 4 times a week, maybe even more, I could get to the 200th post by about November. Yeah, if.
So we play this game, Werewolf, at school, and SOME people take it a bit too seriously. SOME people maybe won't be named here, and I stress here, but SOME people need to think about how seriously they take GAMES! God damn! If you have a problem with how I play games, go shove it up your ass. I don't care what you think.
But back to posting, if I was less selective of when I post, and did more bullshit posts (read song lyrics) I could get there by about July... :P Just in time for my birthday.
A couple days ago, I had a conversation with someone, who again, shall remain nameless, who seemed to believe that the concepts of "like" and "love" are identical. Which, in my opinion, is total bull. Not possible. I gave this example to the person: "Hey nameless, I 'like' you." This person shut up after that.
And then they went on to do something completly insensitive, something that is so low on the chain of morality that I can't even think about it. But I haven't stopped thinking about it. Grrr.
Chain of Morality
Charity (100)
Intervening when someone's in trouble (25)
Neutrality (0)
Being a bitch to one of your friends (-5)
What this person did (-99)
Evil (-100)
Maybe I shouldn't post this....
*clicks on publish post button*
Whoops, my finger slipped.
Btw, see if you can find the new blog that I've done, it's in Italian. I think it's funny, translating all these posts into Italian, seeing if someone'll find it and comment. Also, Italian people need to see my greatness too (i need to expand my fanbase =/)
So we play this game, Werewolf, at school, and SOME people take it a bit too seriously. SOME people maybe won't be named here, and I stress here, but SOME people need to think about how seriously they take GAMES! God damn! If you have a problem with how I play games, go shove it up your ass. I don't care what you think.
But back to posting, if I was less selective of when I post, and did more bullshit posts (read song lyrics) I could get there by about July... :P Just in time for my birthday.
A couple days ago, I had a conversation with someone, who again, shall remain nameless, who seemed to believe that the concepts of "like" and "love" are identical. Which, in my opinion, is total bull. Not possible. I gave this example to the person: "Hey nameless, I 'like' you." This person shut up after that.
And then they went on to do something completly insensitive, something that is so low on the chain of morality that I can't even think about it. But I haven't stopped thinking about it. Grrr.
Chain of Morality
Charity (100)
Intervening when someone's in trouble (25)
Neutrality (0)
Being a bitch to one of your friends (-5)
What this person did (-99)
Evil (-100)
Maybe I shouldn't post this....
*clicks on publish post button*
Whoops, my finger slipped.
Btw, see if you can find the new blog that I've done, it's in Italian. I think it's funny, translating all these posts into Italian, seeing if someone'll find it and comment. Also, Italian people need to see my greatness too (i need to expand my fanbase =/)
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