Thursday, May 25, 2006

So, we lost

Oh well. It isn't like it's the first time I've lost something, and although my ego's telling me otherwise, it won't be the last. Not for a while, anyway.

So, to recap, our team (Me, Hy and Alex Penman filling in for Josh) lost to the Academy of Mary Immaculate
Blaine, jesse and Kate's team lost to the Academy of Mary Immaculate
Gabby, Nick and Robert's team won against Penola Catholic College.

Bad night for our school. I sucked ass with my speech, seriously, no matter how bad the others were, I still think I dragged the team down with mine.

I got there at about 6:55 (for a 7 start). Hy greets me with "Hello Master Benny, do you have any notes for us?"
Alex continues with "Yeah, neither of us has any notes."
I scream plentiful obscentities, sit down and write a page of notes for each of them. Neither of them used my notes, and they wonder why we lost. Still, Academy's a good school, so I'm not surprised. Oh well.

So today was another day of sitting at home, doing nothing. I'm really tired too, and I don't know why. Doesn't make much sense. Maybe it's all the hard mental activity I did yesterday that tired me out. Hmmm...

So that was my day. Boring, as per every other sick day.
I doubt that I'll be going tomorrow, so thats cool.
P.S. Happy Birthday Gabby :D

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