Friday, May 19, 2006

iLinux :P

So I was down at Barkley Square today, with about an hour to kill before work, so I thought "Hey, I know, I'll go into the newsagent. And what did I see? An iPod/iTunes book. So I bought it. Wow, there goes $15... Oh well. Which brings me to the point. I bought the damn thing because it had this interesting little article that said "play a great game on your iPod!" The article's name was iDoom. So I brought it, not realising that I had to put the operating system Linux on the iPod first. Grr. It's a pretty similar interface as the iPod one, but strangely different... *shudders* Not cool. Seriously, it's creepy how blank and colourless it is. And now, while trying to PLAY iDoom, it's crashed. Yes, I managed to crash an iPod. Grrr. And all because I clicked on Music, then back straight away... Oh well, it's good now. Actually, it's pretty damn awesome... I'd almost recommend that everyone gets it, but then I remember that almost everyone has a Shuffle, or doesn't have an iPod at all... Hmmm... Oh well.

This is ALMOST what I'd classify as a BS post, as it really didn't say very much. Well, lets say something: I'm sick, again, which means two weeks off school for Ben :D

Just kidding, hopefully, I'd go mad being stuck at home for that long.

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