Saturday, April 01, 2006

It's Weird

Whenever someone says they're look at my blog, I feel compelled to write, it's like a facination.
So, I'll tell you all about work.(Again)
So, here's a little Deli History for you. For ages, the place was a part of a chain of Deli's called The Cut Price Deli. Then the chain went bust, and the current manager Aurelia (called Reels) was forced by the center to buy the place and renovate it, and 8 or 9 years ago it became the Yes It's Fresh Deli. Then, in December last year, she got fed up after being there for 12 years, and sold it to this bastard Joe. And no one was happy about that, lotsa people left in protest. The ironic thing is that Joe's actually paying us better, and we're working shorter hours. Heh. So yeah, I was getting payed $8.94, which I thought was pretty good. Then we all realised that we were supposed to be getting HEAPS more money since August 13th, well, a little bit more each hour, and more on weekends. So we got pissed. About a month ago, he started paying us the right amount. Except, he owes us MORE money for all the Saturdays and Sundays that we worked between January 1st and whenever he started paying us right.
So thats about 2 months worth.
But yeah, thats about it.

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