So I was randoming some stuff on Wikipedia this evening, and I came across this site, which I found most entertaining. Here's a quote:
"These included memories of being "deceived into a love affair with a robot decked out as a beautiful red-haired girl", being run over by a Martian bishop driving a steamroller, being transformed into an intergalactic walrus that perished after falling out of a flying saucer, and being "a very happy being who strayed to the planet Nostra 23,064,000,000 years ago"."
This crazy ass quote inspired me to draw something, so I did.
Almost makes you pity poor Matt, who had to view these pictures first hand.
On viewing this picture again, though, it looks crap, damn photobucket for resizing it. Grrr. If you can't tell, thats the Robot dressed up as a redhead in the top left, then the martian bishop in the steamroller, then the intergalactic walrus who fell from a flying saucer and is consequently dead, and finally an artists rendition of the planet Nostra, 23, 064, 000, 000 years ago. Which, BTW, is impossible, since the universe was created 15 Billion years ago, making this planet predate the universe by 8 Billion years. Scientology 0, Ben 100 :P.
That said though, it's the 100th post! Yay! You've been waiting since August 2004 for it, but here it is! Yay!
Wow. What a ride it's been. Crazy, crazy stuff, I say. We've had some emotional ups and downs, but here we are.
BTW again, on the topic of that pixely class photo, I decided "To hell with the class, I'm just doing my friends." Some of you may consider this a "cop-out", I consider it a way of showing the people I consider to be my friends how much they mean to me. *congratulates self for dodging another bullet*. Unfortunately, since I consider most, if not all, of the class to be my friends, I'm screwed (or not) either way.
But first, a little story. I was working on this damn picture, and I'd just finished drawing Kate, and I was pretty damn proud of myself, as I found her particularally difficult to draw... Anyways, I'd just finished drawing her, and my computer TURNED ITSELF OFF! GAAHH!! You people are very lucky that I've drawn this bastard at all, some people would have given up after that, but Oh no, not me.
Here it is.
Heh. Ain't I a good artist? God damn, that took me ages to do, so you'd all better love and appriciate the hard work and *looks at watch* holy crap, this is taking ages. Oh well, I still think it's awesome. Also, if you aren't on this (everyone I know reads this will be, so no probs there) it's not because I hate you or anything, it's just because I don't know you as well as I should, or haven't bothered, or, well, I just don't like you :P
Crazy frigging Scientologists.
If there's anything I've learnt through the past year and a half or so, it's these few rules of bloggifying.
- Don't post STRAIGHT after a fight. You'll say something you'll regret, and then people will get more pissed at you. Wait untill you've been able to gather your thoughts, then make some witty remarks about the whole situation, and all will be good.
- Try not to post when you're in a bad mood. It just makes you look depressed and needy, and no one wants that, do they?
- READ the damn posts before you push this button:
. Otherwise it'll look like some random gibberishy crap purple monkey dishwasher. And no one wants that either. If worst comes to the worst, push this button:
. Come back to it later, when you're more sane.
- Don't make promises (or bets) you can't uphold.
So, Ladies and Gentlemen, that is the 100th post. I'm proud of me, and you should be too :D
P.S. Sieve Boy is a copyrighted character by Ben Smith 2006. (Copyright pending)
P.P.S. If you find my rendition of you, or someone, above offensive, then tell me, and maybe I'll change it. Also, I really should be a bit taller, shouldn't I?
1 comment:
Congrats on your 100th Post BEN!
I'll be celebrating my 75th in about 13 more :P
Nice drawing of the pics, how come I only have two legs?
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