Monday, April 10, 2006

Madame e Miseur...

What up?
Bet ya expected something really moral, really interesting, tre chic, as they say.
Fooled ya.
Just me.
That'll learn ya.
Hey, out of interest, do you ever meet people that no matter HOW much they screw you over, and insult you, make fun of you, humiliate you even, you can't stay mad at them? I do. Well, I know this one dude. He doesn't need a name. In my books, he doesn't deserve a capital letter at the start of his name. But you don't know what his name is. So his name could be alfredo, if you wanna believe that (no offence to the Alfredos of the world, I'm just illustrating, you haven't lost that much respect with me to lost that capital "A") but I don't think I know any Alfredos. So that's that possibility gone. Nice one.

You may (or may not, depending on your frequentability on the blog) that I've been doing a lot of shorter posts recently. This is true. Why?
Who knows.
Maybe my linguistic talent is being stifled by an opressive dictator whos controlling the internet in Australia... Noo! Put down that chair! Aaaah.....


Got ya again.

I dunno, I just can't be bothered writing very much right now. And why should I, if no one reads it? There's a little something to think about, while I'm off with the pixies in dreamland. Well, not with the pixies. They stay away from me now. They said "Lets just be friends," and I've never heard from them since. Grr.

In the meanwhile, however, I'm just gonna sit here, refreshing the page every 20 seconds, to see if someone's commenting. Hehe. Or maybe not. Maybe 25.

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