Wow. What a great start to an almost inconsequential post.
I had this whole thing planned out in code, but it looked shite, so I won't post it. Well, maybe I will, just not here. Yeah, I'm gonna. That'll learn ya. If you can find THAT, then you must be incredible. Also, if you can decode it, then well, I dunno. Massive prize?
So we come to the end of another week. And it was good. We got a day off, I got an excursion (which was to an Italian movie, which was good) and it was just a generally slack week. Sometimes, though, I feel like no one understands what it's like to be me. Sometimes I feel like hiding. But then I look out into the world, even into the schoolyard, and I see people with problems that dwarf mine by comparison. Some people carry burdens, massive ones, something that we aren't meant to know.
More on this week though. This movie we saw was pretty good, it was comparable to Love Actually. It's called the Manuale d'amore, the manual of love. I personally think that it was better than Love actually, but that's just my opinion. I enjoyed it, to say the least. And some people can't even watch movies with subtitles, wusses. It is easy to do, you just listen, keep half of your vision on the subtitles and half on the action. If you can go cross-eyed, then you're in.
And then there's the ever present worry of moving maths classes. I mean, General A isn't hard, I can blitz the whole class (most of it, anyway) easily. And I need to do General B, then Specialist, to get into Medicine, to be a Psychiatrist. But the consciencious part of me feels guilty about ditching Gabby, leaving her with the year 11's. And I know that I should move up, otherwise I'll never get into Medicine, then I'll never be a psychiatrist, and I'll just turn into a hobo, visable to no-one but the volunteers that give homeless people food. So I guess I'd better move. Oh well.
Damn. This is a long post. If I did this much writing for English, I'd be getting straight "A"s, instead of... B+'s? Heheh. Well, consider it a prelude to the biggest thing to hit this blog since I changed the background, the 100th post! Yay!
It won't be for about a week, maybe a week and a half, I need to finish this picture. Heh.
Oh well.
Oh, btw, I forgot to put up this picture, enjoy...
See if you can convince Gabby to come to GenB. She says that she's too stupid. *imitates Group X* WRONG! If i'm capable of doing GenB and not failing too miserably, then Gabby is DEFINITELY able to do GenB, lol.
Anyway, you call that post long? Check out the posts on my blog. My average posts are like, 5x as long as yours. Pfft. :P *shameless self promotion*
Let's go play some WC3
If only there was some happy medium, between General A and General B...
That'd be the class for me.
But, screw moving. I'm gonna stay in General A, then go to Methods next year, and all will be good.
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