Saturday, November 12, 2005

Who really gives a rats arse about Bacon anyway?

Ok, so, seeing as how today is a Saturday, and taking into account that I had work today, this is pretty much gonna be a huge gripe, some reminiscence, and shameless self-pity :P
So, I woke up at around 10, 10:30, thought "Yes, no Tae-Kwon-Do." I didn't have Tae-Kwon-Do because I'm 15 now, and I can't go to the juniors anymore. Thats a good thing, I guess, I'd probably end up killing one of them. 'Specially in these crappy Saturday sessions, we're with kids as young as 6. They don't even have to block my kicks, they just go straight over their heads, like so many bad jokes I've made. That said and done, I don't miss it. Half the lession is the leader-teacher-dude shouting "LISTENING IS A POWERFUL TOOL!" and me thinking "Yes. I wish I could listen now that you've deafened my with your incessant yelling!"
So, instead of being yelled at and kicking a foot over some poor 6 year old's head, I got to stay home, and play on the computer.
I left home at about 1:30 to go to work. Looooong story short, we were half an hour late finishing. Short story Long?
I got there to the phrase "Ben, today, instead of asking what needs to be done, you need to tell me what you're going to do. OK?" "Yes Alice." "Good"
"Alice, I'm sweeping the shop." "Good."
That aside, nothing of real value happened. I cut my middle finger of my left hand open in two places (nothing serious, just stings like hell)(so does my eye =/), got yelled at countless times for not going to customers quickly enough, and wasted my 10 minute break on an ice cream. I got home at around 8:00, watched the end of Big Fat Liar, then got on the internet, and here I am.
So thats my day, with the "reminiscence" part of this done.
A couple days ago, Nick and Jesse were being really tight-assed to Kate and Gabby, and I spoke to Nick about it. I can't actually remember what happened, but it was something like this
"Hey Nick, why are you being such a tightass to Kate and Gabby?" (Me)
"Because they're mean." (Nick)
"Thats no cause for you to be mean to them..."
"You can't talk."
"Why's that?"
"You're a tightass to Peter."
"No, he's a tightass to me."
"Why don't you just forgive him?"
"You two were such good friends. Don't you want to go back to that?"
"Why not?"
"He's mean to me."
"He told me that he's only mean to you in direct responce to you being meant to him."
"He's a liar then."
"I doubt it."
And so on...
This really made me think about some things. Such as, why did Nick change my inquisition so fast back on to me? Why is he so mean to them? Am I too mean to Peter? Will I miss him when he leaves next year? Should I apologise?
Just something that's been puzzling me for many a year. I need some help.


ensimila said...

nick and jesse tell me that gabby is mean. they tell you that we are both mean. it makes me wonder what they tell gabby, and whether it is something along the lines of 'kate is mean.' all this meanness, youd think we could think of a better word than 'mean', it sounds so juvenile. im still sorry about you getting burguled.

ensimila said...

nick, my point is that it is all very well for you to tell me that gabby is mean and that i am cool. (well actually it not all very well, but that doesnt stop you) my point is that i wonder if you tell gabby the opposite and that if you do, you are backstabbing the both of us. i never said you were the same person. ever, i dont think you are.