Friday, November 11, 2005

My Triumvirate Of Terror

“Crazy rural High school kids pawned The Amazing MonkeyMan’s morning for an extra boring day!”

“Some random Burglar guy just pawned The Amazing MonkeyMan’s Flute for an extra 600 Gold!”

“Some random Burglar guy just pawned The Amazing MonkeyMan’s DS and games for an extra 550 Gold!”


“Some random Burglar guy just pawned The Amazing MonkeyMan’s MP3 Player for an extra 100 gold!”


Some random Burglar guy is on a Crime Spree!

Blaine’s chin just pawned The Amazing MonkeyMan’s eye for an extra 5 stitches!

Everyone but The Amazing MonkeyMan is OWNING!!!

If you don’t get that, I paraphrased Warcraft 3 to explain my current situation. But I’ll get to that soon. First I need to describe Wednesday.

I woke up to Dad saying “Ben, mum and I can’t take you to school this morning, so you’ll have to get yourself there.” The time was 7:00. Band starts at 8:00.

Thanks Dad, for telling me so early. I had 15 minutes to get ready. Man, that was a rush.

I got to school, walked into the Drama (sorry, Performing Arts) room, and found a gaggle of Students from some crazy rural school in various stages of awakeness. I realised that today, a bunch of kids had used our Performing Arts room as a dormitory, so, I had to wait about half an hour for Band to start. Bah.

We began classes with History, and I sat there watching my friends and classmates making presentations about the Holocaust, while simultaneously dreading my own presentation. Next was a complete waste of a period, AKA Maths.

Recess, nothing of Importance happened.

In 3&4 we had History again, and I had to present my crappy presentation, then immediately after, Josh presented his. I could see the teacher still making marks on my sheet as Josh presented.

At lunch, again, nothing happened.

Period 5 was Italian. We were in the computer room. Nothing. I just sat there listening to people talk, while looking at a computer screen (I had no internet money L)

In period 6, I had a music lesson. Really, all that happened was us going over and over again on a boring piece. Blah.

I walked over to Jewell station with Josh and Brooklyn after school. Actually, I sprinted down Dawson street, and through a carpark to spend about 5 minutes with them, before sprinting back up Union street to go to Cydus with Jesse. I didn’t do too well.

That night, I had Scouts, boring, then I got on the internet, and did nothing.

So, there’s 300 or so words about Wednesday, the only quasi-normal day in this triumvirate of terror.

On Thursday, I woke up (etc), and went to school. I had IT first. It sucked. We did nothing. At all. Then I had… Graphics. The bane of all sane people in this world. I have no idea why I was even in that class. I didn’t choose it. No one in that class did. Maybe we were all being punished for something. I don’t recall doing anything wrong…

In period 3&4, we were supposed to have English, but instead, we watched the Year 11 theatre studies class perform a theatrical adaptation of Agatha Christies’ “The Mousetrap.” It was amazing. Incredible, it really was. Hannah Dennison was so good in her role, as was (unfortunately, I don’t know the names of any of the other actors, save Jesse Marshall, who was also good) the student who played Perr…rr…edgini. Hehe.

In 5&6 we had P.E. We did Table Tennis and Weights training. The Weights training was alright, but the Table Tennis was basically just me at the bottom of a stairwell, trying to hit balls up the stairs, and having them (and bats) thrown down at me. L.

So, after school, I walked over to Jewell with Josh again, walked back to Grantham street, and caught the tram home. It was there that I heard the news that made this week crap.

(Suspenseful drum roll)

We had been burgled during the day. Dad’s laptop, $1800 of fundraising money for the Scout group, my flute, my MP3 player, My Nintendo DS, mum’s rings, my brother’s wallet, and assorted other crap was stolen. The question Sam (my brother) was asking was “Why? Why us?” The question I was asking was “Why? Why not our crappy DVD player?”

All that aside, I didn’t go help out with the younger scouts. I probably should have, in retrospect. They really make your problems seem insignificant. Oh well. I went to Tae Kwon Do, and I got out all my aggression. I went to sleep exhausted, but slightly happier than at about 4:00 Pm (when I got home from school).

Which brings me to today. (My retinue from day to day never changes, so, lets just say I left for school) I left for school. When I got there, I went and talked to Josh, who, as usual, was playing cards. He was very sympathetic. I then went and found Gabby and Blaine, who proceeded to ask me “How was your…last night?”

‘How to react?’ I wondered…

“Oh, pretty crap…” I said

“Oh no, why?” said they…

“Well…we got burgled yesterday”

*faces of shock horror*


So, today wasn’t all that fun. Try explaining to your music teacher why you don’t have your flute with you. It’s not fun, let me tell you.

We had double history (crap), Recess (we played a sort of cricket with out hands and a plastic wristband), , double graphics (crap), Lunch (we played cricket again, this time with a tennis ball. Kate got hit on the head, and while Blaine and I were batting, We ran into each other. I managed to split my eye open (not too serious) and graze Blaine’s chin), and double maths (crap). I went to Cydus with Josh and Jesse again, and, again, I didn’t do too well. Oh well.

I got home at about 7:00, realised that we were having a party, experienced an “ohnosecond” when I saw how many people were looking at this poor boy, walking in 3 hours late from school, with angry parents to face.

Which brings me to now, sitting here at the (thankfully still there) computer listening to Weird Al Yankovic bleat out some music, and nursing my poor, bust up eye.

Great. And I have work tomorrow. Won’t this be fun to explain?


P.S This turned out to be about 1084 words long. Pretty Damn good, huh?

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