Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Best. Day. EVER.

Well, not really. It could have been better, but it could have been much worse. I got up at around 10, to this news:
"ben, you know that josh rang at about 9, right?"
"no, i've been sleeping"
"oh. well, he did"
"ok, i'll call him in a minute"
So, I got out of bed, rang Josh, realised that it wasn't Josh who rang at 9 in the morning, went and yelled at my brother for not taking the message properly, then played GameCube.
That's pretty much all I did untill 3, when I realised "Oh shit, I have work in an hour, and dad can't drive me."
I started running.
I got there on time, though, so all is good.
We finished on time, for once, and I had a really good talk with one of the managers, Erin. He's a pretty cool guy, actually.
Very cool.
So, I had that talk with him, then got home, got on the internet, talked to Josh and Brooklyn, they signed off, I realised I had homework to do, I did my homework, and here we are.

Myself: Past, Present and Future


Dear great Ben of the future,

I never believed that I’d be writing to you, but here I am, so yeah. This is supposed to be about how I feel now, as a Year 9. Maybe I should begin by talking about my past. Or, maybe not. Right now, I feel as though I’m between two big scenes in my life, you might say. As in, waiting for something to happen to lift the mundane of regular life. We have just been burgled, and that made me feel angrier than I’ve ever been. A lot of my stuff got stolen. My MP3 player, my flute… It isn’t fair. Sam was thinking (and saying) “why us?” and I suppose that’s what I’d be thinking, but, really, it’s just a random setback along the road of life.

I’m listening to a song by Queen right now, and if someone had told me two years ago that I would be doing so, I would have laughed. It just goes to show how much people can change in a short amount of time. For instance, I’m much better friends with Josh and Brooklyn that, two years ago, I never would have dreamed possible. Then again, two years ago, I was young and naïve. Now, I’m just Naïve. So much has happened in recent times to change my perceptions of things, and I have no idea what’s going to happen next in my life. Something new, exciting and interesting could occur tomorrow, although tomorrow is a Saturday, I’d doubt it. Nothing ever happens on Saturday. You wake up, think, “Hey! Weekend!” then roll over and sleep ‘till Sunday.

So that’s Past and Present… covered, lets move onto future. In the future, I would not like to see monkeys rule the world, but if they do, please let them make me their leader. If time machines have been invented whenever I’m reading this, send back mucho money to the 25th of November 2005, at around 12 ‘o clock. That’s a day off, so I can enjoy it. Being serious now, I’d like to get my stuff that was stolen back, and I’d like to get a better computer. Those all seem rather frivolous, but hey, it’s easier than wishing for world peace, and I wouldn’t want to deprive the Miss America contestants of something to wish for. Yeah, that was on topic. I just hope that I can do something with my life. I hope that when I read this, I’ve done something with my life, OR that it’s not too late to change it. I also hope that made sense.

If this letter hasn’t made any sense, oh great and wise Ben of the future, then I direct your attention to the Family Guy movie. It may seem like a frivolous thing, but consider that the main character (a baby) goes into the future and sees how bad his life is. He gets angry with himself. He tries to change his life in the future for the better. And in a way, he succeeds. So, if you feel that you’ve made a mess of your/my life, oh great Ben of the future, then read this letter and do something about it. Good Luck.


Damn. That took up a lot of space. Oh well.
So, thats my homework. Hope the teacher likes it.

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