Sunday, November 13, 2005

Well, seeing as how this has turned into a debate of sorts...

Here's my ReBUTTal. *moons Nick*
Oh, Come on! Get over yourself Nick, it isn't just one little thing he said two years ago. The catylist for all this hatred is that one little thing, then two whole years of getting shit from him is what's driving this hatred, this utter loathing.
Moving on.
I wouldn't have a clue what Jesse and Nick tell Gabby, probably something just as evil as they're telling you. It's nice to know that someone cares
I know that other people care too, but meh. At least someone said (and is still saying) something Heheh.
So, on to what happened today.
I woke up at 9:15. I didn't have breakfast. No idea why, so don't ask.
I got on the computer, and started playing Warcraft on the Internet. I got owned both games . I left home at around 11, to go to Cydus with Jesse and Nick. I met up with Jesse at the top of my street, by chance, and we got on the tram together. We arrived at Cydus, played against some total morons for a while, Nick got there at around 12:30, we kept playing with the morons, then Jesse, Nick and I left at 2:30, because I had to go to work. I got to Barkley Square at 3, an hour early. I swore silently, realising that I had an hour to kill before going in. SO, I got myself an ice cream, and wandered around for a while. I finally went into work, worked for 4 and 1/2 hours, got home, had dinner, watched some of CSI (boring as all hell, might I add), got on the internet, and here I am.
So, Nick thinks I should forgive him, does he?
Well, maybe once he and Jesse stop being such total dumbasses towards Kate and Gabby, maybe I might consider forgiving Peter. But, I don't quite see how the two are linked...
Notice, once again, how Nick managed to avoid facing the issue of him being mean to the two of them? I wish I could do that.

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