Friday, November 25, 2005

People I'll never get- Part one (post 73)

Ok, so, I've been thinking, and I felt like I needed to say something about the people in my class. Not, you know, trying to antagonise them or anything, but generally saying what's on my mind.
So, for this (posts? weeks?) diatribe, I've chosen Blaine, and Jesse&Nick, or Jesse/Nick, If you prefer.
Before I begin, however, I'm going to say (incase any of them ever read this) I'm not trying to be mean, or try to look like a jack ass, or put you down or anything, it's just some things that have been buzzing around in my brain for months that I finally have an outlet for. So there.
So, Blaine. He is an incredibly cool guy, most of the time, except when he is around a certain person, a person whose identity I'm still trying to deduce. I'm not hiding anything, but, when I talk to him without anyone else around, he is so funny, and clever, but when we're with other people, it's a constant barrage of... well, not insults, but, behavior that does not make me think he's my friend. All that said, he's a very, well, incredible person, willing to go the extra mile to make a person feel wanted. I was going through all of his blog posts (link above), and I just realised that, even though he is an immensly complicated soul, with deep thoughts and feelings, he still--wait. Where am I going with this. Crap.
Blaine is cool, but I'll never fully understand him. Yeah.
These two get the same section because, even though they seem different on the surface, deep down their similarities are scary. However, I'd say (sorry Nick) that Jesse is far more deep than Nick. Damn. I just spent(or wasted, if you want to be mean, which is NOT what I'm trying for here) reading Jesse's old blogs. Whereas if I look at Nick's blog, all I see is one freaking huge (and embarrasing, I swear they were out to get me) MSN conversation, and about 25 photos and pictures of his dog (which is cute) and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Wow. Look at all those brackets.
So, I really don't get either of these guys. I mean, sure, they appear sane, stable and sincere on the surface, but if you were to pro-- searc-- look a bit deeper, I'm sure you'd find some deep dark secret, or broken promise or something like that. So, i don't think I'll ever understand Jesse or Nick.

So those are 3 of the people that I currently don't understand. Just my opinions on them too, if anyone cares. I spent half a bloody hour on this thing, so I hope people read and apppreciate the sacrifices--
Oh crap, there I go again, rambling. :P Sue Me.

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