Thursday, November 24, 2005

I could begin by saying I'm bored, but that's simply not true

I mean, sure, its 10 o clock and no one is on MSN (Josh just signed off), but I'm listening to some cool music (Queen), so I'm not complaining.
So, we've had an essay in class to write, and an exam WITH an essay in it, and that takes a lot out of you. It really does.
It's been a kinda hard week for me, with people being teased, and lots of homework, strenuous card games, home work, talk of the weekend (and our day off tomorrow), need I say home work again?
Oh, to hell with this. I guess this is one of my posts that isn't all that interesting. Oh well. Post #72, this be. Only 3 more 'till my extravaganza-dealie. Yay.

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