Monday, November 07, 2005

Just so you know...

I'm in one of the worst moods I've been in recently. Unfortunately, since many people read this blog, I can't just go out and write what I'm thinking. Damn.
However, I can make a brave stab at being cryptic... so here goes.
Today started pretty normally, with my waking up late, eating a hurried breakfast, then getting driven to school. Actually, that's quite abnormal, I normally walk. Oh well.
When I got to school, I went and talked to Josh for a while, watching him play cards. Then the crappy bell rung and we had to go to Science. Ms S was 10 minutes late; I think she said something about Nick and Jesse telling her we were in F18... We're never in F18...
So, that was pretty much a non-event, 'sept we did a crappy attempt at a debate, not that we were crappy, just, the debate was not well planned. So there.
We had about 10 minutes to work out a response to some cryptically written topic, and we did... ok, I guess. Not too bad, in any case.
So then we had recess... another non event, I guess... Nothing much happened, so, yeah. I ended up running after Jesse quite a few times today, maybe... once or twice at recess?
Then we had PE. We played Netball *COUGH-CRAP-COUGH* and Indoor Hockey... hehehe. I was the goalie; I only let in one, for about 5 attempts.
Italian. Nothing much, just did some work then played Icy Tower. I got to floor... 340 or so? I can't remember.... but the platforms were vines, so, yeah.
Lunch. Up until now, today was pretty good.
Unfortunately, this was not to continue.
First up, Jesse said something stupid. I can't even remember what it was... Anyway, I ended up running after him (#2), and this time, I managed to catch him. I grabbed his bag, and he shrugged it off. I held it there for a second, then said "Anybody want this? Otherwise, I'm throwing it over a wall." You may think that that was pretty harsh, but just wait, they get me back.
Jesse and Kate made a motion towards me, and Kate grabbed the bag. Jesse was trying to distract me. I held on, so Blaine started tickling me. I kept holding on to the bag. Jesse noticed that there was an unopened packet of "Personal Lubricant" lying on the ground (henceforth known as "Lube"). So Jesse grabbed the bag, Kate let go, and opened the Lube. She moved to squeeze it on me, and I dropped the bag. Quick as a flash, Jesse grabbed the Lube, and put it on my lock. Only on one side though. I ran after him again (#3), and then again (#4). By this time, everyone had congregated outside to a courtyard. We met up there again. I walked off, and tried to open my lock. Lube got all over my hands. "Damn." I thought. I got the damn thing open though, and pulled out the second packet of Lube, that Jesse or Nick had put in there. Just to check, because I thought I saw it there at recess. I chucked it out of my locker, onto the floor.
Then, I ran to the courtyard, and jumped on Jesse, wiping the lube on him. I jumped back, and he threw his sandwich at me. Peanut Butter and Jam. All down the back of my shirt. So, I ran after him (#5), then walked to my locker, grabbed the Lube that was on the floor, and put it on HIS lock. Then I walked back, realised that there was Peanut Butter and Jam down my back, and yelled at Jesse. He offered to clean it off for me, and clean my lock. I agreed to that. After an extremely awkward cleaning session in the F block toilets (nothing happened) I went to see Josh in the Library. Then, the bell rang, and we went to English.
Apart from Blaine making obscene gestures at me from across the room, Peter giving me hell (but getting just as much) and boring work, it was pretty much nothing...
So then I walked with Josh to Jewell station, we had a good heart-to-heart, and then I walked to the tram station, via the newsagent, brought a comic, went home, read the comic, and went on the internet. And here we are. That's my day. Pretty boring, huh?

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