Tuesday, November 08, 2005


If I'd known how crappy today was going to be this morning, I would have rolled over and just left today behind... Unfortunatly, I don't have the power of foresight, just retrospect, so here it is...
I woke up. Dressed, shower, etc...
Walked to school. Talked to Josh.
Science. Crap all, just in the computer POD room (piece of crap room that it is), researching some lazy ass questions that the teacher was too bored to write herself.
Recess. Nothing.
Maths. Test. Finished, but mixed up tan and cos, so, probably failed :(
Lunch. Watched as Jesse and Nick terrorised Kate and Gabby. Lowlights included
  • Pulling out hairties (Both)
  • Filling Pencil case with water (Kate)
  • Filling Pencil case with mulch (Kate)
  • Stolen Locks (Both)
  • Taunting (Both)
And such and such...
I intervened sometimes, like getting Kate's pencil case out of some mud that was fenced off(No idea why it was fenced off).
IT. CRAP ALL. Just pretended to work on my website, screwed around with Command Prompt.
Now that was fun. Or, not fun, but, mildly entertaining.
Then I walked to work with Josh, worked for about 5 hours, managed to drop about $35 worth of bacon, and then came home, and sat down on my crappy chair, and started writing whatever came into me head. Here we are. And, I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a LOT better, even with a project due. Damn.
I don't feel any better for having written this.
The Amazing MonkeyMan
Ben Smith

1 comment:

ensimila said...

good point. its just that you never really stand up to jesse, you just agree with him, because it is jesse.