Monday, November 14, 2005

I can see where this is going...

Might as well just concede a few points.
  1. Ok, Nick, you are NOT the same person as Jesse. You just seem to agree on everything, and always take the same side in arguements.
  2. Maybe I am a little harsh to Peter.
  3. There is no way in snot ridden hell that I will forgive him, or go back to being neutral to him. Never. (I'm just that stubborn)
Apart from all of that, however, Nick, you are not without guilt, so STOP FREAKING AVOIDING IT!!!
Moving on...
Today.. was alright, in the grand scheme of things. For one thing, we did NO work. For another thing, I managed to aviod cutting myself (I have 3 cuts on my left hand, and one on my eye, and they all sting like hell). Science, we just watched a Video. Recess... nothing.
Italian, we watched another video, some crappy Michaelangelo thing.
Lunch, we played cricket again, and Jesse hit the ball over the Music building roof, and had to ungracefully climb over a fence to get it (so funny). English, we made cards for our English teacher who got hit by a car. I probably could have said that a little more "sugar-coatedly", but whatever. So, Jesse and I made plans to go to Cydus, I had to wait 20 mins for him to get out of a crappy Bushwhacked meeting, then Nick, Kate, Jesse and I walked down this crappy street, Jesse lost his crappy sleeping mat over some poor persons fence (not poor as in no money, poor as in deserving of sympathy) and had to climb over, breaking the fence =/, then we walked to Grantham street, Jesse and I caught a tram to Cydus, got there, played (I got owned again), left, got home at 6:30, ate dinner, played on the computer, got on the internet, and here I am.
Bah. I wish people would be nicer to others, then I wouldn't need to get angry and kick Jesse's shins in-- uh, get angry.

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