Saturday, January 13, 2007

Translation of Zomg!11

I want to prove a point with this post by typing it as if I was one of the regular people on the internet. I have a problem with people typing like this. It’s not cool. It’s not leet. It makes you look like a moron. When I’m trying to read stuff on the internet, and all I get is this shit, then I get pissed off! I can’t read anything that’s here, and then I get turned off from reading it. I was having a discussion on World of Warcraft, or I thought I was, about someone who regularly corrected people when they made typos. I put my opinion in, which was that I couldn’t stand people who typed like this: “omg lyk, im soo pr0z0rs nd lyk, j00 aar n000b, lol!!1”, or something similar to that. Then someone said that correcting people’s bad spelling was racist, I pointed out that speaking English was something people should do on a US game, then I got told (privately) to shut up, because I didn’t know what I was talking about. Ironically, he sent this message full of spelling errors, which I was so tempted to point out, but I probably would have been kicked out. Is there something so intrinsically wrong with the sub-culture of the internet that they’ve adopted… this as their language? Is noobspeak the new English? If so, then I’m gonna take a leap out of my vessel on the information superhighway and roll into the bushes beside. I CAN’T STAND BAD GRAMMAR! I don’t know how much more firmly I can impress this upon you.


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