I'm over the holidays. I'm completely sick of them. I've exhausted my book supply, there's no good movies coming out untill February 8th, I don't have a Wii... In short, I'm bored.
I'm still not ready to go back to school, though. Ohh no. That'll happen by about February 3rd. Three days after we go back. There's 20 days untill we have to go back to school, and I intend to make them count. Starting, of course, by going away on Monday. That's exactly what I want to do. I'm 80% sure I'm gonna be bored out of my skull. Does not help in the slightest that most of my friends are away someplace, too. So I get to sit here for the next 4 days, presumably do something with someone at least once in those four days... Then go away for 5 days, come back "refreshed, and ready to tackly the school year..." *cough* Then I get 11 days to do my homework, and get ready for year 11. Presumably, I'll do something with someone at least once in those 11 days, heh.
I don't know why I'm writing this after midnight. I never have any good ideas past midnight. Never. Nevernevernevernevernever! It doesn't happen. I'm just sick of having nothing to do, no new challenge to severly kick the ass of, no friends to talk to... Maybe I'll write a book, maybe I'll plan heinous crimes, maybe I'll even do some of said crimes. Who knows.
I'll tell you one thing though, it's not going to be heart failure brought on by large amounts of fat, it's not going to be murder, it's not even going to be suicide (I promise. I don't care what *people* think, it's not going to happen). I'm going to die a slow, painful death brought on by boredom. I'll be sitting here, idly typing some more random bullshit to fill the page, then my eyes will slowly fuse together, and I'll be a cyclops for about 10 minutes. I won't notice though, because my vision won't change. After that, they'll keep pushing together into the middle of my face, and the only thing I'll notice will be my eye(s) slowly going out of focus, I'll take my glasses off and clean them, but by that time it'll be too late, my eye will explode, splattering the computer screen with my cornea. I'll scream in bloodcurdling pain, attempt to type something about the excruciating pain I'm going through, but of course, since I can't see the keyboard, ur:kk qukk ainwrhunf kujw rhua,*
Then, as the air seeps through the hole in my face and the toxic particles in the air attack my brain, I'll start writhing around on the keyboard in a manner similar to this: n hadn na mx babvdxczujnmtgrfbs-y80...
Then, I assume I'll die.
There you go, my death, perfectly choreographed for you. Enjoy. Look out for the flash movie and animated GIFs, coming soon!
EDIT: As promised, Animated GIF. I can't be bothered releasing the movie, it's too bad.
*That was "It'll look something like this." Except everything was one letter to the left, to illustrate that I couldn't see the keyboard. Any Questions?
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