Monday, January 29, 2007

Purge Writing the Third - This time, it's personal.

Start time: 11:40
End time: 12:00.
Ready... Go!
Bugger. It's the end of the holidays. I was just starting to enjoy them, too. I've got my Wii, The Burning Crusade is out, life is peachy. So what if I've been on holiday since November, so freaking what? I deserve at least 6 months holiday every year. Technically, I guess I get that much total. If you include sleeping. I was gonna try and post something to this from the Wii. There are two ways I can achieve this. 1) Email the post to the "E-mail a post here" address for the blog, or 2) Try and get into this page I'm at now, in Opera, on the Wii. I tried #2 first... I got to this page, filled in the title... Clicked in this box, and nothing happened. I couldn't post. I was very pissed off. So, I tried #1. I got into the E-mail section of the wii... Sent myself a very short note. Let me go get it.
Subject: ZOMG!!1
First off, let me start by saying "I`m
writing this on my Wii. Second:
Bugger. School goes back on
Wednesday. Bugger again. A third
time, too, because of un-finished
homework. Bugger.

It looked a lot longer on my TV screen than it does on your Computer screen. Seriously, it looked massive. Like, I thought I'd written a masterpiece. I got to my inbox, bam. Shit central.

Speaking of shit E-mails, I recieved this one from Apple:
Dear blog author:

We recently came across your site,, while searching for bloggers who blog about Apple Computer issues.

A small group of us have started a new site called Apple Computer. Our intent is to bring Apple Computer bloggers closer together, and make a positive contribution to the Internet community.

Would you be interested in joining Apple Computer? Please take a few minutes to have a look at what we are trying to do, and if you are interested, there is a sign up page to get the ball rolling. We would greatly appreciate your support in this endeavour.

If you do not feel that your blog would be a good fit for Apple Computer, but enjoy this subject area, come visit us and one of our member bloggers. You can also check our FAQ Section to learn more about Apple Computer.

We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you on Apple Computer.

Craig Cantin
Apple Computer

Please note: you will receive this email no more than twice. If you do not respond to this email, we will send out a second and final email in approximately 3 weeks time. If you respond, by joining or by declining the invitation, we will not intentionally send this invite a second time.

You can join or visit Apple Computer at any time, but we do not believe in spam, and will not intentionally send this invite more than twice. If you have any concerns regarding our anti-spam policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

I had no idea how to respond, or how they got my E-mail address, for that matter. It's not like it's publically displayed on the blog or anything. Creepy. I reckon they did a web crawl of blog sites for iPod, and other such Apple trademarks. Like Google, but more sinister. I still have no idea how to respond. What if they're trying to subvert me to their evil Apple propaganda? Aah! THE POWER OF VISTA COMPELLS YOU!!


It's ok. I've recovered. Damn, though. Apple freaks me out on a daily basis. My iPod STILL crashes, iTunes isn't much better... And that one time I had to go into an Apple store... I felt like I needed a shower. Not cool, not at all. No.

Maybe I'll join and spread Microsoft propaganda. That'd learn them. The least they could have done would to have put my name, instead of Blog Author. That's just not cool. They got my email address, they should be able to get my name. Grr.

Oh, and another thing: WHO THE FUCK GIVES HOLIDAY HOMEWORK OVER CHRISTMAS!!!! AAHH!! This would be the first time in history that I've decided to hate BSC. It's a good school. I like it there, the atmosphere is good for learning. Apart from the permanant Lynx smell all over the joint, but that's another point entirely. Grr. Damn teachers. Damn them all.

Bleh, that'll do. +5 minutes to my average. Bugger.

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