Sunday, January 14, 2007

Purge Writing: Part 2

Yes, it's once again time for me to start writing at a certain time and see how long I can coherently string this out for. I'm starting at 10:10 (not including this introduction) and aiming for 10:40.
And a GO!

I love to write. I really do. It allows me to put my thoughts out on a viewable plane for me to review and draw conclusions from. It doesn't hurt that I'm very good at writing, either :P I've been told that, by various teachers, so it's not something I've just pulled out of my ass. I've also been told that my style of writing is too much like investigative journalism. Which apparrently is not the correct style of writing for a formal history essay, and as such even a well written, well researched essay deserves a C. *glare* What's wrong with investigative journalism anyway? I think it'd be awesome fun. Exposing frauds, showing the world exactly what's wrong with itself, giving precious airtime to the cricket, it's all a part of the experience. Maybe if the whole Psychiatrist thing falls through, and the IT specialist thing doesn't get off the ground, then I could try my hand at that. It'd be fun. I'd get to meet a lot of new people, too, which is fun.

I've met a lot of new people in the passed... since November 25th... and I think I've had a profound affect on some of them. Example: I spoke to someone on MSN last night, a friend of a friend who asked me to add her, but only started talking to me then because she "had no clue who I was". She barely knew me, but by the end of the conversation was baring her soul about a fight she had with one of her friends (and one of my acquaintences). I guess I'm just too good a listener. I don't quite see how that Psychiatrist thing could possibly fall through, I'm uncannily good at it. Or, failing that, I could become a Roman Catholic priest and hear confessionals. It's pretty much the same thing, except you listen and judge instead of help. OK, unfair, having God forgive you for your sins is sure to be life-affirming, but I doubt that having the big metal hand in the sky say "you're fine" would make me feel any better about MY sins, should I have any. Interesting thing to think about though. What would a divine encounter involve?

I reckon it'd be kinda cool, hearing the word of God first-hand, not from some books written hundreds of years after the events happened. If that were to happen, I'd become a prophet. That can be job choice number 4. I'd go around the lands with my carefully transcribed notes on the conversation (asking the big cheese to slow down if necessary, and asking him to repeat himself if I don't catch something) that accurately portray the meaning and correct interpretation of what was said. If a bunch of crazy pope worshippers decide that I'm wrong, then I say bring it on. I just hope I don't have to involve Switzerland. They've been neutral for so long, and escaping the world's attention since World War Two, they've gotta be planning something. If I were to offend a whole nation by taking down their elite guard singlehandedly, it sure wouldn't want to be those dudes. No wonder they've stayed neutral for so long though, have you ever seen the knives they're given to fight with? I don't think I need a pair of nose-hair trimmers in the middle of a battle, thank you.

I just watched a Flash Movie by the great Manuel Fallman (click the freaky moving black button on the side bar for more), about fighting and such. It was pretty cool, this one dude in a black trench coat with a katana taking down hordes of dudes with machine guns. The one thing that made it different from the Matrix, however, was that it was set in a post-apocalyptic warzone, so they're all wearing gas-masks. They only took the katana-wielding dude down by taking off his gas-mask. He still managed to kill the dude that took his mask off, too. What a freaking bad-ass.

I was gonna write a rock opera these holidays, specifically this week (that's just gone by), because everyone was out, or on holidays or such, and I had the house to myself. I got the idea partially from the Dream Theater album "Scenes From a Memory" and partially from the Queen album "A Night at the Opera". They're both pretty good, and they're both (apparrently) rock operas. That idea, however, died like so many of my other "good" ideas have. Oh well, doesn't matter. I'm going on holidays tomorrow, and I'm gonna be bored to sobs. Waah. We (my family) and this other family (two parents, 4 daughters) are going to stay at some Scout Camp joint out at Mount Martha from Monday 'till Friday. It's been billed as a way to "relax and unwind before another stressful year". You freaking got that right, nothing's ever simple in my family. I suppose it'll give me a few days to think on my own. Of course, Sam's gonna be sticking to me like glue, so there goes that. I'll say "I'm going for a walk, mum/dad." "OK Ben, take Sam with you!" and Internally, I'll say "FUCK!" Because I really don't want to babysit another Year Seven kid. I already did that in Italy. "Ben, we've put you in a room with the year 10 you don't get along with, and the year 7 who's been picked-on by all the year 8s he's had to stay with. We expect you all to get along fine." It ended up with a massive pillow fight, with myself as the victor. I think I nearly killed him, but that was because he smashed my glasses off my face, and didn't let me sleep the night before. Also, he wouldn't leave me alone, and wouldn't fucking shut up about Green Day. They are not good. Shut up. I don't care how many people bought American Idiot, it was because they agreed with the title.

Heck, I'm doing it again. I've run out of ideas, I can tell. Whenever I'm in an exam, and I feel that I've written enough (read: I have run out of ideas) I start picking at my fingernails, trying to clean them. I've done it twice while writing this, and I know what it means. I've stopped being funny. Bugger. I was 6 minutes away from achieving my goal, too. I did write a lot, though. Hey, here's an idea...

Wow, I'm incredible. I wrote for a full half an hour. Too good, this kid is. Too freaking good. Expect to see more of these Purge Writing sessions, I really enjoyed it. Made me stop thinking for a while, and that's something that's not quite easy to do. Whirring like that, going a mile a fucking minute. Why the hell do we still say that? "Mile a minute". "Kilometer a minute" fits better with the metric system, but doesn't really sound as good, because we've accepted Mile a Minute into the dialect of this part of the world. Sometimes, I think I could outsmart Dr Hawking, that's how smart I feel sometimes. Othertimes though, I feel like I could lose DotA, 5v5, me with 4 Insane bots against 5 easy bots. That's how dumb I feel sometimes.

What a conclusion. He's just such a talented writer.

P.S: That did actually take me a full 30 minutes to write, the struck-outted text up there was just for effect. ;)

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