Thursday, January 25, 2007

5 Stages

 Dr. H: Now, a little death anxiety is normal.  You can expect to go through
five stages. The first is denial.
Homer: No way! Because I'm not dying! [hugs Marge]
Dr. H: The second is anger.
Homer: Why you little! [steps towards Dr. H]
Dr. H: After that comes fear.
Homer: What's after fear? What's after fear? [cringes]
Dr. H: Bargaining.
Homer: Doc, you gotta get me out of this! I'll make it worth your while!
Dr. H: Finally, acceptance.
Homer: Well, we all gotta go sometime.
Stored here for posterity. Don't ask questions.

1 comment:

Elvangor said...


^.^ Tough day at work, eh? Oh please; stop being so melodramatic about life!! Homer is a 2-D animated character who has been cunningly manipulated and re-animated (not a TYPO) to look like a pre-historic XBOX 360/GameCube™ BETA version. That's right MonkeyMan, MSN must DIE! Until they release a stable version at least.

As abrupt and incoherent as it may seem, no, I am not a crazed psychopath (actually I don't even though if I am yet), and yes, I am not Hoang Nguyen - this is also partly misleading as I am also a member of the Nguyen household, and no I am not some jerk - this might be partly false as people tend to be disgusted at non-aggressive and extreme pacifists - who fights all the time... virtually, and of course the occasional spring in my step every time I 'knee' someone when they make me "first for blood"... in jujitsu, LOL.

Ben! I've been trying to make contact with BSC members of 10 (you-know-what) and how they are doing (you-know-where), *wink wink* *clap* *stops clap - ing* BAKU! the crazy spelling correcting ActiveX thing on your site has foiled all attempts at making grammatical errors (not to mention ignoring them).

And I quote: " acceptance. [where the conversation concludes] Well..." This un-biased form of non-racial exploitation of the psychologically impaired/limited/carinvAL... (sorry about that; the keyboard doesn't allow 'รก' to be typed in so I had to paste it in, LOL. ... -iscious and is a delicacy amongst... oh geez, I'm rambling like you again - no offence Dr. H...BERT! lol Don't play QBERT, it IS EVIL! I got up to stage - whatever, and am suddenly bombarded with pixelated de-interpolated (scrambled) gibberish tiles to jump on. ARGH! SO.. what's up? P.S The Shadow Rising is like so cool. But "The Devil Wears Prada" is a great read aswell. Only the reviews spoil the actual content, LOL. Sorry, cannot underline in blog responses. READ!