Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cyanide and Happiness

No, I haven't gone emo...
But I was saying to someone how frigging easily I could pull it off. Maybe in Italy, just to spite someone.

Moving on, Cyanide and Happiness is a weird-ass web comic that I just spent the last 2 hours reading all 705 comics of. Sad? Very, but it's not only my fault. No, if someone interesting was online, or if they made the comic less funny...

But it was too funny to stop, all the superheros and such.
And oh my god, they had this ad for green lazer pointers! They're about a billion times better than a red or a blue one, because the human eye is more sensative to green or something, doesn't matter. Point is, you can SEE THE BEAM.

Think of the possibilities! Lightsabers! Woo!


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