Tuesday, October 10, 2006


2 Frigging Science projects. 4 hours. And numerous, meaningful MSN conversations in between.
So, while those 10 pages or so are printing, I might as well write something.
School's pretty random at the moment, thats the only way to put it. It's exciting, that'll do.
English was kinda boring, we did grammar stuff. There was some note passing, but as usual, I was barely involved. Hehe. History was good, because for once I'd done the homework. Ms Gay seemed pleased. Damn straight, too. Mr Carlton better frigging LOVE all this science work I've done, or there's gonna be hell to pay. Maths was ok... I got 13/15 in a "Graphics Calculator" test, which was lower than both Gabby and Kate. All because I said that y was weeks pregnant instead of weight of the baby (bivariate data, don't ask), I lost 2 marks. Grr. I say it's all because I have a "Y" chromosome. No evidence, just anger. On the plus side though, my good friend James, from primary school has finally gotten off his ass and obtained 1. an email address, and 2. MSN messenger. Woo! Go James! Now I don't have to go over to his house to spend hours discussing every aspect of our personal lives. Haha.

I'm still reeling from how pwn I am, doing those assignments in 4 hours. That's plural. Yeah, thats what I'm reeling from. Nothing else to get me reeling. OH SHIT. I forgot to tell Joe that I can/can't work on Saturday. OH SHIT. That means I have to call him. Lame. But it's Wednesday :D:D:D.

That'll do for a post, methinks, I can feel the wrist termites coming back again.

P.S. If you have no idea what I mean by wrist termites, think about the words "Carpal" and "tunnel", then think about what termites do, and get back to me. /salute
I hate music, I hate the scene
I hate my records, I hate CDs
I hate everyone at shows, and I hate that Rock and Roll
Cuz I know that machine sucked out my soul

Turn it off,
Turn it off,
Turn the radio off
Try thinking for yourself for once in your life

I hate the music business,
it's filled with greed
it's run by old men who don't know what I need
I'm getting older fast, I hope this anger lasts
So I can have the strength to keep fighting back

Turn it off,
Turn it off,
Turn the radio off
Don't you know we're turning into zombies
Turn it off,
Turn it off,
Turn the radio off
Try thinking for yourself for once in your life.

Blah blah blah
another song about the radio
Always complaining that we hate the radio
Well it's time to start the war, now here we go
Our first mission: just don't listen

Turn it off,
Turn it off,
Turn the radio off
Don't you know we're turning into zombies
Turn it off,
Turn it off,
Turn the radio off
Try thinking for yourself for once in your life
Turn it off,
Turn it off,
Turn the radio off
Try thinking for yourself for once in your life.

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