Wednesday, October 04, 2006

They can't all be morons, can they?

The level of moronicism in this school is shocking. I'm appalled.
"No. Athens is not in Rome."
"I'll give you 2 guesses about what language they speak in Russia."
"CC stands for Carbon Copy. BBC stands for Britis-- oh, you meant to say BCC! My mistake, I'm sorry, I'm just a moron I guess."

We had to do a "bullying survey" this morning. I would have preferred to stay in History, maybe learn something. Instead, we answered questions which may have helped the co-ordinaters sleep a little better at night, but did nothing to alleviate my concerns about the safety of the school.

And to top it all off, I can feel my wrists getting Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. Joy. Too much Computer over the holidays.

I have to work today... Yeah, it's Wednesday, but it's not quite as fun when you're covering for the person who makes Wednesdays fun. =/

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