Monday, October 23, 2006

So freaking what

So, there I was, signing into MSN. I looked at the "new emails" box, it said "2." I jumped for joy. I never get emails, much less two. It could have been from anyone, I wouldn't have cared if it was a notification of my own deat-- well, not that far. But the point is, when one of said emails is from iTunes, it's not much cause for jumping. Yes, I bought SR-71. Shut up, and make the Internet send me something worthwhile. So what if I'm bitter because the email I want isn't there. So freaking what. Maybe I'm a little testy because my frigging crap box keeps committing hara-kiri to it's I/O card. So sue me that I have a Maths project due tomorrow (actually due last Thursday, but teh stupid bitch told me the wrong date) that I haven't started. So freaking what.

I am now going to compile a list of everything that pisses me off in my life... Most things, anyways.
1. Morons.
"Do you see any freaking chickens in the window? NO, WE DON'T HAVE ANY CHICKENS LEFT"
2. Stupidity.
"But where are we going to find an ostrich?"
3. Morons again.
*see #1*
4. Lack of things going my way.
No comment
5. Joe Zagari.
"I know you can't work Thursdays, Ben, but how would you like to work Thursday?" *see #1,2,3*
6. Being underpaid.
*See #4*
7. When joints run out of chips.
"Yeah, we're across the road from a school, filled to the brim with hundreds of hungry students, but we turn off the deep frier at 2:30"
8. When the McDonald's ice cream machine is broken.
... I like ice cream.
9. The fact that Wendy's closed at Barkley Square and got replaced with some shite-assed clothing store.
*see #8*
10. When my computer breaks.
"No, of course I don't need sound, or a mouse/keyboard to enjoy my computer. Without all that shit, it's a big metal box that does nothing."
11. Getting blamed for shit I didn't do.
"Yeah, The Simpsons ARE inappropriate for schools, that's why I got a frigging A+ for a report I did on them, and thats why we watch them in class sometimes. I can't explain the stress relief game, however."
12. Stupid teachers.
See Pauline Pearson, Angela Ballas, et. al.
13. Stupid students.
See 85% of BSC.
14. Books with shit endings.
See Harry Potter #6 and Lemony Snicket #13
15. Movies that don't follow the books they're "based" on.
See every Harry Potter movie.
16. Morons again.
"No, I'm not Harry Potter. But you can see my wand..."
17. Unnecessarily rude people.
Rude person: "You should behave nicer towards nice people." Me:"Thanks, when I find one, I'll remember that. Asshole."
18. People who talk too frigging fast.
"HihowareyoucanIgettenslicesofsalami?" "Say what?"
19. People who don't understand the value of things they buy.
"Yes, the dip costs $30 a kilo, but that was on the tag, didn't you read it? Oh, I'm sorry, it was terribly rude of me to expect people to read something."
20. People who don't know that there's more than one type of hot salami.
"I want the hot salami." "Which one?" "The hot one!" "WHICH HOT ONE?" "THE HOT ONE!!!"
*stabs moron in the face.*
21. Morons again.
See #19 and #20
22. People who don't understand that there's more than one type of salami producer.
"I want the mild salami." "Why type." "Don." "Which Don?" "The Mild."
*stabs moron in the face.*
23. People who don't speak English, yet persist on communicating with me.
*Random Chinese Phrases* "Ni hao! Ni Shu Ben Dan!"
24. People who confuse "fifteen" with "fifty."
"$18.15, please." *hands over $18.50, walks off.*
"Come back! Your change!"
25. Whoever decided to stop giving AC chargers away with iPods.
*stabs that moron in the face*
26. Whoever decided to charge $7.49 for Pac-Man for iPod. That's like, 4 songs.
"I want my Pac-Man!"

Well, thats my list. Everything that's pissing me off at the moment. Well, a lot of things that are, anyway. I assume I've barely scratched the tip of the iceberg. But it's been theraputic, so thats all good. I don't even care if anyone reads this or not. But I'll be hurt if no one does.

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