Saturday, October 07, 2006

Today I went to a trivia night for our Scout group. I think it was a pretty good night, we came second (no thanks to the rest of my family, me and two other parents pwned it up, big time) and I won the paper aeroplane contest (I won a shaving kit)(joy, like I need that). Sam got really pissed off because while Dad was calling the raffle, he called out Sam's ticket number, but Mum told him to redraw because we'd already won 1st prize. So he's in a terrible mood right now, tearing the joint up, etc...

I also got a haircut today. It's about half as long as it was before, so I suppose thats a good thing. It doesn't look half bad. It looks all bad. "ba-zing."

Aand... after work yesterday, I forgot to put the trash compactor key back, so I had to go down to Barkley and humbly give the key back. Hehe, I should have got more cut. Oh well.

So that was my Saturday. Boring, but very non-productive.


Josh said...

Well, it's better than my weekend anyhow, at least you didn't have your ex- ring up to rub it in eh?

You so too can use that shaving kit, come on Ben, do it for Rachel. I'm still shaving like once a week, just to keep the stubble down to a good-looking amount, but you need to shave it once so it's all one length, 'coz a lot of it is longer than everything else coz its growing at dif. rates and thus it looks fugly :)

My 2 cents anyway.

Ben said...