Wednesday, August 18, 2004

20th Post!!! + 6 MOTW's

20 Posts in 3 weeks!
Thats 6 a week!
So, this week, 5 or 6 MOTW!!!
Lets see....
Um, Phedra, cuz she learns Indonisean,
Meg, cuz she learns French,
Josh, cuz he knows really good HTML (and should be able to post the MOTW award without me telling him how... AND COZ -=StK=-Mazz PWNS)
David, cuz it will improve his blog... (Click "David in the links section)
My good friend James, for lending me all those Futurama DVD's,
and ...


The 6th MOTW goes to Hoang, as a birthday present for Monday
"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

1 comment:

Josh said...

Awwwwwwww yer!
Mazz_Destruction SNIPES J0R ASS!