Thursday, August 05, 2004

What I Did Today

Well, first I woke up, (insert everything I do every day to 9:00 AM)

The I went to the staffroom to practice a piece of music with Ms Mc...Kechnie(?), and that went really well. BTW, I'm doing this post from E-Mail, not blogger. You can do that by going to the settings tab, then the E-Mail button. It will have something called Mail-To-Blogger Address, with something like: "neb_thims.(empty space for secret word)" then, you E-Mail your post to that address, and it will be posted, I think.

English was alright, and the task looks interesting, despite the fact that I have no idea What is going on. Then TEXTILES. I can't really complain. Yet... BAHBAHBAH!

R-e-c-e-s-s, I performed with Ms McKechnie(?), and everyone applauded. DOUBLE MATH was really fun. I like Math, and Mr Arayne, despite the general opinion. I'm always going against the opinion. HEHEHE.

Lunch, I went to the Library, and played chesss with Hoang. See if you can guess who won. I'll tell you next time. In Science, we had a great discussion about the meaning of existance, cut short by Ms Stevenson wanting to talk about Eclipses and stuff. I can't blame her, though.

Chess in period 6 was the best! I won against... Scott...Anderson(?) 4 Move Checkmate. Easy!

So now I am at home, and writing on this blog. What else to write? Nothing? Ok.

The Amazing MonkeyMan
Ben Smith

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