Saturday, August 07, 2004

I listen to advice

Finaly, you can see the words on my blog!
Phedra, most of the text was red, it's just that the Background sucked. Tell me what you think of it.
I think Nick and I went Ok for the games thing, I'm not sure


The MonkeyMan is back, and after looking at everyones blogs, I think I can say that hardly anyone is getting on and posting. A few people, maybe, but hardly anyone.

Now that that is over with, When Nick and I got to the game thing, there were heaps of people there. It was nerve wracking, because there was no way of knowing who was at or above your standard. In the waiting room, there was this guy that came over to look at our game. Neither of us knew him, so it was pretty wierd, but , you know, kinda cool that someone we didn't know came over to have a look. There was this girl infront of us who was playing "Happy Lands", so some of the girls in our class aren't the only crazy ones (LOL).

I wish more people would comment on my blog, because I put so much effort into it. If I don't get 5 Comments by Tuesday, I will start posting in Igpay Atinlay.

So, enjoy! Only 5 comments, eoplepay!

The Amazing MonkeyMan
Ben Smith

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