Sunday, August 29, 2004


OK. Due to the fact that I have got 6, thats SIX! comments overnight, I think I have to answer your requests.

JESSE: I don't know why everybody keeps saying that they can't see something. I can see it fine, so there shouldn't be anything wrong.

GABRIELLE: Lots of questions here. 1st, to put the MOTW award in a post you type:

<img src="">

To get the monkey noises, or any sound file, you type:

<h6>Name of Sound</h6>
<embed src="WHERE THE SOUND IS, EG,"" loop=true autoplay=true width=145 height=60></embed>

You don't want much, do you? ;-D

For a Cursor thingie, you type
<script src=""language=javascript id="properties"message="WHAT YOU WANT THE TEXT TO SAY" colour="red" font="Comic Sans MS"></script>

And for litle pop up boxes, type:

<script language="JavaScript">
function CONFIRM(){if (!confirm
history.go(-1);return " "}

And you can copy and paste for more.

Thats all of Gabrielles requests, now...

ZOE: I have already posted on both topics, they are under "Olympic Question", and "Computer Question"

BLAINE: Ok, Blaine, here is some insightful stuff for you. ... Do you really live in Northcote? WOW!
Um, Insightful, My mum graduated from University yesterday, with a Masters in Student Welfare, and Richard Pratt, the founder of VISY was there, and he gave a speech about Entraperours. It was very inspiring and Insightful.

NEWT: Thanks a lot for the GMail, Newt, it is really coom, and my new address is

So, thats all of everybody's requests done. Please, no more questions about Cursor thingies, or Popups. I'm too tired.

So, how was ToM everybody?

If anybody wants to know how to put stuff up, just ask. BUT NOT TODAY!!!

"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

1 comment:

ensimila said...

yo ben, you need to change the colour of your font, i can't read any of it, you expect us all to be able to read this? even us with crap eyes like me? nah, just kidding ben, kool blog! how come i can't get the monkey of the weeek award huh?