Friday, August 20, 2004

MOTW Winners

No, I don't have any new winners. But, if you have won the MOTW award, then post this in a post (LoL, grammar sucks):
<img src="">
and you will have the MOTW award on your blog!

School is really good, though I feel I havn't been spending enough time with my old friends (Josh, Tom, Luther, David, Hoang) and more time with my new friends (Too many to list)
Speaking of lists, if you want to put a links list on your blog, then type this somewhere on your template:
<h2>Links list</h2>

<li><a href="">Ben</a></li>
<li><a href="">Hub</a></li>
Then add new: <li><a href="">Hub</a></li> for more links

"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

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