Monday, August 23, 2004

Boredom...Lack of comments...Crazy Monkeys...Simpsons Songs...Ect...

Click here
Its a site devoted to The Simpsons. I really like it, and it includes Lyrics to all the songs, and it allows you to listen to most of them.

Anyway, with Simpsons Songs out of the way, Whats with the lack of comments? Some posts have 30-40 comments on them, and I'd be lucky if I had that many in total! BAH! Come on... Please?!? My monkey Friends need comments.

Next. Crazy Monkeys! YAY! Crazy Monkeys Are the same as the regular kind, except with more crazyness...

Finally, Boredom. Boredom can come from a lot of things, especially waiting. I hate waiting. You're like "Yay! Only 5 minutes!" Then the Doctor or Something says "I'm sorry, there has been a 5 hour delay!"
If that were me, I'd be doing something like this:
"Urgiddafurderatherada! BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!BAH!" Then, kicking something. Except, it wouldn't work too well, especially if you had a broken leg or something...

Thats all. Comments are greatly apreciated, even negative ones. I can take them... :'(

"The Amazing MonkeyMan"

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