Monday, August 09, 2004


Stewie : "Hello mother."
Lois : "Well, hi there Sweety."
Stewie : "You know Mother, life is like a box of chocolates [he presents herwith a box], you never know what you’re going to get, your life however is morelike a box of active grenades! [the box has grenades in it] Now I offer you onelast chance for deliverance- return my mind control device, or be destroyed."
Lois : "Oh, you just want your toy back. Okay, here ya go honey."
Stewie : "Yes, well, Victory is mine! [ Walks away with the device into thedining room. A crash sound is heard] Ahhhhhh! Damn you all!"
See that? That is the best line in Family Guy, one of my favourite shows.
Another is:
Glen : "Hey, who wants to play “Drink the Beer”?"
Peter : "Right here!"
Glen : "Heh, you win!"
Peter : "All right, what do I win?"
Glen : "Another beer!"
Peter : "Oh, I’m going for the high score."
Glen : "Well, actually Charlie has the high score."
Charlie : [with his pants down facing the inside of a grandfather clock] "Heyman, your clock won’t flush."
HAHAHA! That is classic humour, in it's finely refined form. "Hey man, your clock won't flush."

Oh my god! Family Guy Rocks!

The Amazing MonkeyMan
Ben Smith
(P.S Here I will post the lyrics to Short Skirt, Long jacket, Later... )
(P.P.S There have been 5 comments, so there will be no Pig Latin. For now!)

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