Tuesday, August 08, 2006

You know what sucks?

(Kif, I'm asking you a question...)

Not seeing the person you like for over a month. It seriously sucks ass. So, as such, I got no idea whether I like her or not anymore. I mean, how could you possibly know? And then with people constantly in my face (well, not constantly, but sometimes) about when I'm gonna ask her out, when am I gonna see her again, the answer is "I have no idea." "to both" /me cowers in a corner, hiding from the slings and arrows. But it's true! I haven't worked with her for at least a month, probably two, and it sucks!

Because... um... something about turmoil... oh yeah...

I'm like, in turmoil about my emotions pertaining to this whole situation, because I dunno if I like her or not, and then there's so many other people that I know that are equally as awesome as her... (No, not who you're all thinking)(Sorry Nick, lets just be friends)

So, it's a tumultuous time for me right now (hehe, I had to check how to spell that word, how lame is that)

Soozors, what I'm trying to communicate here is that I'm pretty sure I still like this person, maybe, but it mightn't be in my best interests to seclude myself into waiting for one person, in the hopes that they like me (not to mention the hope that I'll actually SEE this person), when there's so many other fish in the sea. REEL BIG Fish. Me so witty.

Soo, to recap... Turmoil, deep feelings... etc... Usual emotic crap. "Hope is Emoooooooo"

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