Sunday, August 13, 2006

World Class Bitch Fest

So, I've been doing some thinking, and there's a lot of things about my life that really piss me off. So, for the next hour (unless someone interesting signs onto MSN), I'm just gonna type type type, until my fingers are raw and bloody, and hope that I can get all my teenage angst onto the internet before I have to go to sleep. Here we go.

What is the deal with teachers? They think they're so god damn high and mighty just because they've done a Bacherlor of Arts degree, and then a Bachelor of Teaching. Well done. You now know more than 51% of the population, doesn't mean you can boss me around. I say again, well done. We (or I rather, since I'm a singular entity) demand young teachers who haven't lost touch with their youth yet, and who know how to deal with people of my age. God dammit.
And why the hell do you throw us out of A3? We have every right to be in there, we're not screwing anything up, we're not holding any Wiccan ceremonies (yet, stay tuned), so why chuck us out? Bah!
And then there's the students. Most are ok, many are not. I don't want to ruffle any feathers (much) so I won't list who pisses me off, but god damn you are out there. Mocking my intelligence, "zomg uleh, you dumb nerd." What the hell does that even mean? "Dumb nerd?" What? Can you say oxymoron? No, you can't.
Most of all, there's the substandard facilities. I know we're pretty lucky, because the government is supposed to care about us "we are the future" and all that bullshit, and we do get some good stuff, like our Science facilities and so called "Interactive Whiteboards." So far, I have not been allowed to "interact" with any whiteboards at all. The most interaction I've ever had with one of those things was watching the OC on it at the end of last year in Science. Waste of 3 hours I could have used to DO something, like learn. Isn't that what we're meant to go to school for anyway? I say, if we're not gonna learn anything that day, there's no point going. Which is why I'm thinking of boycotting Tuesday week 2 (zing). Oh, yeah, facilities.
There are holes in our toilet cubicles. At least 10% of the computers don't work. It's too cold in Winter, and too hot in Summer. And I'm not even gonna START on the Boys Toilets. Don't you get me started! Oh, now you've done it. The toilet paper is like, 0.5 ply. Not useful in the slightest.

Gee, this is fun...

Once, I looked forward to going to work. I loved it. It was engaging, and exciting, and I was naïve, and the world was good. But I was so naïve, that I didn't realise how screwed over I was getting. We were working for way less money than we were worth, yet we still loved it, because the boss respected us (Again, I say "us" even though again, I am a singular entity). Then the stupid boss had to go and sell the place. And now I'm getting even more screwed over! How does that work? Not cool. But the funny thing is, and I'm sure I've said this heaps of times, is that we were working longer hours, and for less pay, yet we still liked the old boss more than the new. Why does that work? Because again, she respected us!
God dammit!
You can't cut my hours down by more than 80% and then expect me to "help out!" You can't screw me over by not paying me correctly, and then expect me not to complain! Blaaahhh!
You can't screw me over, and expect me not to notice.
That was bold for a reason. Grrr. And then, Joe Zagari, you go and PUNISH me for asking for what I'm legally entitled to, and you wonder why I don't trust/like/respect you! GAAHH!!

Well, with the two major aspects of my life taken care of, I think I'll have to move on to people. But here's the catch. If you haven't already been mentioned, then please disregard the following statements, should you be offended/mentioned. It's just some stuff I've noticed, that really pisses me off, it's not that I don't like you, it just pisses me off. Ok? Ok.

My parents:
Man, where to start? They've been great parents for my whole life. But, they're so over protective, it's funny. Hehehe. Like, my mum'll be like "Ben, who are you going to Cydus with?"
"Jack... James... uh... Josh..."
"Who else?"
"I don't know?"
"Why not?"
*cowers in a corner*
That never actually happened, but thats how I've interpreted the sort of things that she says. Like I said, overprotective. And my Dad'll always be trying to get interested in the same things I am, as a kind of bonding exercise. In my opinion, I get along fine with my dad, I don't need to bond. We're already bonded. It's cool.

Man, that was a crappy gripe...

Jeez, I don't think I have that much left to complain about. Well, I do, but I've removed it for objective testing, to see if it's non-controversial enough to post. We'll see, stay tuned!

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