Thursday, August 24, 2006

IT - The full story, unabridged.

Well, after that outburst yesterday, I think I should provide some background information on my experiences, so opinions can be made, and made to be in support of me.

It'd better be in support of me!

IT. 9 Periods a fortnight. And a blog post in every one of them :P
We had this homework about DeZign Publications, a fictious printing company. The homework was from a course at least 8 years old, the computers had "Pentium III processors, Windows NT workstations with128Mb of RAM, and 8Gb Hard Drives"
Oooh, real futuristic.
Anyways, being me, I didn't do it. I did about 2 of the 20 questions in class when we got it on last Friday, and then gave up, as the questions were all bullshit anyway.
So, there's me on Wednesday, sitting at the middle table in B1, working ferverently. Writing quite quickly, so my handwriting isn't up to it's normal, fantastic standard. Also, I was writing in Red pen, since all my other pens have gone missing (angry eyes). Also, it was on slightly ripped paper, since I had to borrow some paper from Jimmy. Anyways, end of the class, I handed it in. I was one of two people to hand in this homework.
I went back to my seat, and the teacher (Ms Ballas) screams across the classroom
"It's my homework, Miss."
*Scrunches Ben's homework into a ball.
"It's ripped! And I can't read it!"
"Well, you sure as hell can't read it now..."
*Throws ball to Ben. Ben catches*
"Now, I want this homework handed in by tomorrow afternoon."
Some other dude yelled out
"Even if it was scrunched up?"
"Even if it was scrunched up."
*Meanwhile, Ben's sitting there with a shocked expression on his face, steadily growing red, biting back tears.*
I got various people around the class telling me not to hand it in again. Which I didn't/haven't.

So, here I am again, in IT. I'm going to ask Ms Morrow if I can get out of the class, and maybe have these periods as frees or something.

It'd be a lot better use of my time to be studying or something similar, than sitting here wasting my time.

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