Friday, August 11, 2006

Emo - Crazy or Fiction?

It's funny, how intelectually un stimulating IT can be. Obviously, Josh was bored in a stupendous manner, yet I didn't heed his warning, and now I'm stuck in this drab wasteland, parched of any intellectual creativity. I mean, I'm sure that there is SOME creativity on there, but I have yet to find it.

Gawd damn.

Can you say Emo?

I seriously think I could be an emo. I look the part, no-one'd doubt that I'm crazy enough to listen to that emo shit (music), but I just can't be bothered running around with a razorblade, lacing into my skin. Funny - yes. Practical - no.

But I think Emos are some of the most Misunderstood people on the planet. Sure, they act depressing, and they are depressing, and depressed, etc, but there's a reason that they are sad, and that's what people keep forgetting when they look at a creepy person with a pale face; dark, shaded eyes; and quite possibly greasy, black hair.

And we look at Hope is Emo and we laugh, because it's a riotous send up of the plight of these unfortunate souls, hell, the Tagline for Hope is Emo is "A Funny Podcast About a Sad Girl." Is this to say that Emos are to be ridiculed? Yes! Because as we all know, the media is always right. And if the media is showing to laugh at Emos, then we damn well better laugh at Emos.

Ben would like to take this time to laugh uproariously at the comedic prose he's just written.

Emo (similar to the Emu, and the Dodo) are a fictional beast, and as such should be ignored, in the hopes that they'll go away.

Ben would, once again, like to take this time to laugh uproariously at the comedic prose he's just written.

Seriously now, I think that Emo are very... very sad people. And it is our job as healthy people to assist these sad members of our society with their problems. Because the condition "Emo" is just a precursor to Depression. Counselling Emos is the best thing you can do for them, and to start with, just talk to them! They're all very nice people, and ridiculing them isn't gonna help their depression get any better.

Hope is Emo is a great thing - making light of a serious problem. It's funny, and this injection of humor is exactly the right thing to let Emos look at themselves, and look at Hope, and laugh, and get better.

Hats off to Hope is Emo, and to everyone I know that has iTunes, subscribe to the damn Podcast! It's funny as all hell!

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