Wednesday, August 23, 2006

IT again

I really thought it'd be interesting, because I thought we'd be learning.
I haven't actually learnt anything for about a month. I'm gonna try and find a syllabus for a harder course, and teach myself. That'll be fun.


Well, that was boring. I can't find any courses that tell me exactly what to do, so, I give up.
I'll do this cruddy work for now.
But, there is no way in hell that I'll do anything this mundane for VCE.
Here's my subjects for next year.

  1. English
  2. Maths Methods
  3. Chemistry
  4. Italian
  5. Music
  6. IT

I swear, if I don't get a good IT course, I'm gonna be so pissed off.
I'm gonna have to do it by correspondence.
I have a dream, where I'll be learning IT over MSN, swapping code lines and such...
It'd be a grand place, so interesting, I'd love it. None of this "over the phone" or"radio" or "letters" crap, noo, I want MSN. Or at least E-Mail.

Argh. I can't be bothered. I was really frigging pissed off yesterday, and I still don't know why. Maybe I just hit puberty? Yeah, that's a constructive comment to give to someone in a bad/mad/destructive mood. Bravo.

Off the record, I seriously felt like throwing something yesterday. I felt like smashing something, or... I don't know.


P.S. I'm still not in the best mood, and anything I may say at the present time is purely spirit of the moment sort of thing, and mightn't reflect what I really feel. So keep that in mind.

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