Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Yes, it's that magical, funtacular time of the year again, when millions of Australian school children forget that they're supposed to be doing homework, when teachers get to kick back and relax, and when I stay up way, way too late every night, and sleep in 'till at least 10. It's the holidays! Yay!
Although, for me, since I've recently been sick, I've been on holidays for 2 weeks or so already.
So, I haven't posted much, or done very much at all, because I get uber lazy over the holidays, as does everyone.
Iunno, I can't think of anything to say right now. it's 12:19 at the moment, I can't be bothered being insightful. I signed up for the Blogger Beta, I'ma gonna check that stuff out and get back to you all. Au revior.
The Aftermath:
<edit>Well, I checked out the "special features", and I did not like what I saw. Grr. Basically, it erased my hard-sought template. But, with some fancy "STOP" button pushage, I salvaged it. We're fine now. No need to panic. But, it looks cool, if anyone ever wanted to mess around with the template. You can move stuff around, quite fun. Just remind me never to fuck around with my already-perfect HTML =/</edit>

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