Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I dunno why I'm so tired. Yes I do, I'm lying. It's because I stay up so frigging late. And it's very fun! SO very fun.

Today was a pretty good day, nothing to strenuous, and I dunno why, but taking the tram home I felt pretty p/o'd. I can't even think of a reason why 0.o Mustn't be that important.

I got home, and Sam was on the front doorstep, with a massive wooden pole, tying his jacket to it. I got NO idea what that was all about, but he couldn't get into the house, because he lost his key and the spare key wasn't put back (i.e, he didn't put it back), so obviously it's all my fault for getting home at 5 o'clock. No one's but my own.
Gaah, I'm sick of being tired. And I have to go into the city tomorrow to find some bastard ass music book, then do... thing. Debating. Poor me.

This stupid lebo dude walked past me today, and he ran his hand across my chest. I brushed it off, as you would, and he started getting indignant on me! So, I ran like hell. That's really intimidating when that sort of thing happens (I guess it'd be worse if you're a girl... 0.o), because there's not much you can do. Maybe it's considered appropriate in Lebanon to touch people like that. Maybe people who are coming to Australia should read up on what's socially appropriate to do and not do before they get here. Grrrr.

I was meaning to get on Wikipedia ages ago and look this up, so here it is:

"Potassium is an essential mineral micronutrient in human nutrition; it assists in muscle contraction and in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in body cells. Potassium is also important in sending nerve impulses as well as releasing energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates during metabolism... Research has indicated that diets high in potassium can reduce the risk of hypertension."

I don't look like I'm getting hypertension, do I?

Well, the page just started spinning, so I'd better go to bed. It's just me being tired, nothing to do with my good friend Potassium.

What a coincidence. I'm talking about Potassium, kalium, to use the latin (Atomic Symbol "K") and it's "K"ate's birthday today. Happy Birthday Kate!

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