Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I like writing about myself. Take that as "z'omg, he's such an egotistical bastard" but what I mean is: "I like to give an insight into how I think." I don't think I've ever written something so blatantly self praising it makes people want to puke. Not yet anyway.

So, I've got my birthday party coming up, everyone who reads this is invited, so no one should feel left out... I think it'll be awexome. I like birthdays, but it really pisses me off when I don't know what I want. People've been asking, and I have to tell them "No Idea." Grr, angry. Hmm... What to do at this party? Werewolf, obviously, and maybe some sort of games contest... Or maybe not, when thinking about evil glares I will most definetly recieve. But Josh wanted to showcase how pro we are at Donkey Konga, so we'll probably do that. I am most definetly... very good? What's better than very good? Damn, it's too late at night for me. My favourite time of day is probably about 4:30, 5 o clock. That's when I'm most awake, most thinkingly active, etc. Like, today, I saw this girl from primary school, and I remembered that she'd just had her birthday. I see her very little, but I remember that. How good am I? She was all like "Wow, you've got an awesome memory" "Yeah, it's a gift." Strangely, I can't remember anything really that useful, like stuff for school (useful, hah), but I'm good with useless facts and such.

Blah, I wasn't going anywhere with this post.

"You tell me that you love me so, you tell me that you're there, but when I need you baby... You're never there..."


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