Friday, July 14, 2006

This is funny, you're gonna get a stitch just thinking about it.
I went into work yesterday to get my back pay, and my last weeks pay.
I walked up to the shop. "Hi Amy!" I said.
"Hi Ben!!" was the reply.
"Can I come in?" I asked,
"Sure," said Amy.
In I walked. I saw Joe on the way in, he was walking out for his customary cigarette break. I curtly nodded at him. "Hi Ben." he said.
I went into the office.
"Can I get my pay please, Amy?" I asked.
"Sure," said Amy.
I opened the pay draw, and got my envelope. I excitedly opened it.
It looked a little light to be holding upwards of $400, but nevertheless, I got the pay slip, and it said:

<edit> I just realised that I paid 23 dollars tax, not eight, so that kinda bones this whole thing up. Btw, why do I have to pay tax? What do I get. All the free street light in the world. I say, give everyone a candle and gimme my frigging $23 back. </edit>

Hours: 27.5
Rate of pay: $9.53
Gross: $262. 08
Tax: $8
Net: $229.10

I looked at the thing, shocked, for a few minutes, and then said to Amy, "I think there's been a mistake with my back pay. I'll just wait for Joe in here."
A few minutes passed, then Joe walked in. Amy said "Ben's in the office for you, he said there's a problem with his pay or something."
Joe walked into the office.
"Joe, I think there's a mistake with my back pay." I said.
"No, there's no mistake." He said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure."
"Well, I'd still like to check the rosters."
"Ben, I don't have time to go through 3 months of rosters."
"But I have the time."
"Ah, well, let me just get my glasses."
I sat there for a minute while Joe went and got his glasses.
Joe came back in.
"Look, Ben, I just don't have the time to go through 3 months of rosters for you. They're not here."
"I understand that Joe, but I'd still like to have a look at them."
"They're not here! I'll show you what I've worked out."
Joe pulled out his folder, with a piece of paper that showed a bunch of workings out on it.
Joe looked for my name. There was a sequence of numbers there that added up to 25 hours.
"Do you want to check that?" he said.
"Yes, I do want to check that," I said.
"What, you don't even trust me to work that out?"
"It's not that I don't trust you, I just want to make sure."
I added up the numbers. They came to 25.
"Well, that's correct, but I still want to look at the rosters. And besides, you only gave me 20 hours worth of back pay."
"Ok, I'll give you 5 extra hours next week."
"Joe, I want to look at the rosters."
"BEN, if you can't accept that I'm not trying to cheat you, then I think we might have a problem here."
I thought for a moment, then said, "Ok Joe. That's fine. Thank you."
I walked out, said "bye" to Amy and Laura, then walked home, feeling angrier than I've ever been.

I walked down Union street, thinking, hoping that I'd see one of my friends, so I could talk to them for a while, get all my anxieties out. When I got on the tram, I saw peter. Even though I was still very angry, I laughed. I sat down at the opposite end of the tram. Luther came up out of nowhere, and I had a talk with him. He's a good friend. I went home, talked to dad about what happened at work, and we decided to write a letter. So I need to figure out when he started paying us double time, so I can work out exactly how much he owes me. Just for January and February, it was 34 hours. He's going down.

1 comment:

Ben said...

thank you for such an insightful comment there, nick... i spend a frigging hour trying to remember that stuff, and you sum it up in about 2 seconds. bravo. /applause

lol, jk, good summary