Thursday, March 30, 2006


School... Work... Peoples... Homework... Stuff like that...
Nothing has defined boundries anymore, it's all become on big blob called "life, with chips".
Heheh. People say I eat too much. I point to my visable ribs and say "Prove it."
I reckon I could do standup, it wouldn't that hard... I can make people laugh, I can dodge a chair when thrown, I can run like hell after insulting the managers daughter in a simultaeneous blunder with knocking over the drink of the biggest frigging biker dude in the place... Yeah, I can manage it.
Hmm... What did I bone up this week... Hey! Nothing! Score! What a good week! Oh, wait. Friday *shudders* Nothing wrong with Friday. Not at all. Just Comm. *shudders*
Probably bone something up there...
I'm feeling quite abstract right now, so I'm gonna find something to whet my abstractness.
I searched Google for Escher, and found this...
That just makes my brain hurt, way to much for when I'm as tired as I am purple monkey dishwasher.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Work Peoples

Since I seem to be talking about work so frigging much, I thought I'd write a bit about each person there, just so everyone has sorta an idea about whom I'm talking. Although, there's 15 other people to write about. Crap.
Lets start at the top, and work our way down...
<edit>Since lots of people have left the Deli since I wrote this, I've decided to update it. Enjoy.</edit>
As many people who work here have said, he's either my dad (ew), my brother (not quite), or I'm his clone. Yes, I look a lot like him, drop it. Oh, and apparrently, I act like him too, Which, I guess, is sorta a compliment, as he's pretty damn cool (like father like son :P). He's 18. Ish.
The crazy red-head, hehe. He's weird, to say the least. Like all red-heads. Hehe. He has kinda a warped sense of humor, so I get along with him quite well :P. Also 18 ish.
She's pretty cool to work with, she was the one who I spoke with concerning pimps. That was a good shift. We've had many a war, and I've had many a victory in these. (A deli war is where you try and kick the other person's ass, with occasional nudging, spear tackles and verbal tactics)(I'm very good at these)(Maryse and I made this up). 18 ish also.
Man is Ally fun to work with. Like, yesterday (Sunday), we closed an hour early, then just sat around eating stuff and talking. A good time was had by all (including Jenna, whom we'll get to later). 17 ish.

The interesting thing is, these people have all been there for at least two years, and they pretty much run the shop.

If you go to BSC, this is Ms Tellefson's daughter. Which means I have to be nice to her. Not that it's hard to be, she's really cool. She is also a manager, which is interesting seeing as how she's only a year older than me... Hmmm... A promotion for the monkey is in the works, me thinks.

(If I wasn't writing this, this is where I'd put myself, as this list is in order of joining)(Unfortunately, I can't remember the order of those who joined after me, my bad)

Hehe. If Josh was about 10 years older, this is who he'd be nailing (sorry Brooklyn), as she is a kiwi too. And it shows (that'll be sex dollars sexty). But again, Amy is pretty damn cool too. Everyone's cool :D Except some people *glares*. Early twenties
*Shudders* Voula is weird. She is one of those people who works in the day *glares* who think they know everything, and tell us exactly where we went wrong. BAH. *stabs someone* *someone screams* "sorry someone". 43, I think.
Finally, someone MY age that I can talk to. She's pretty cool, 'sept Erin doesn't like her very much, and whenever she works with me, nothing much gets done. My bad. I offered to punch her in the face so she'd leave me alone, but no dice. :D. She's alright, I guess. Fun to work with. 15 (nine days younger than me, man was she pissed when she found that one out :D:D:D)
Help! She's freaky, to say the least. She's of American descent, I believe, so I guess that explains it... (No offence, America)(Or it's citizens). She talks to herself, and for those who DON'T find that hot (i.e almost everyone *glares*) it's kinda disconcerting. We've had some good arguements, such as the nature of infinity, that was fun (she tried to use Infinity+1, which is so screwed up it's not funny, it's still infinity). 14, maybe 15, I don't care.
Another normal person in the tide of crazyness. She's really fun to talk to, makes the shifts so lively and entertaining. Again, nothing much gets done when we work together. My bad again. I'm one of her favourite people :D. 15 or 16, not sure (she said that she turned 17 next year, so who knows).
Gemma's quite fun to work with too, I haven't really talked to her much. My bad. She's nice though. Easy to get along with. She's a day person, but she's a nice one. An anomaly, if you will. No idea how old though... Oh well.
GRRR. If I had powers to fire people, she woulda been fired about 10 times by now. She's so annoying. She's an up herself day person, who thinks she knows everying, which she doesn't. What a noob, trying to correct me on things. 10 months is MORE than 1, dumbfuck! I don't care how old she is, she's a bitch at any age.
Yeah, another one. She's a friend of Hannah, and she's ok to talk to, I guess... She's kinda weird, but then so is everyone who works here o.0. Even though Hannah's given her some possibly false impressions of me, she still won't stop talking to me... Weird. 15-16, Iunno.
Friend of Nicole. Worked with her like, twice, so I don't know her very well, or at all... 15-16, who knows.
She's some Canadian person. Very intimidating. And manipulating too. 23.
Laura's Boyfriend (Sorry, can't remember name)
I've never met him, I don't know anything about him.
Joe (the boss)'s wife. She's a day person, she owns the shop with Joe, she's alright. I once made the mistake of bagging Joe infront of her, that was funny. Thank GOD she didn't hear. Late 50's I'd guess, no idea what she'd doing in a Deli.
He is so fucking stupid, words cannot discribe it. He's been working here since early November, and still doesn't know anything. He always stands around doing nothing, forgets orders (like, phone orders), poking the charcoals with a stick. So dumb. He always gets a shite average sale (Totals sales/Total customers*100) and complains when we don't make enough money. Noob.

I think I've forgotten someone. Or someone been fired since I last counted... Hmm. Oh well. This person probably doesn't matter anyway. Heh.

So that's my coworkers. A pretty weird bunch, but meh, I like 'em.

Saturday, March 25, 2006


So the holidays once again come to a close... Bugger, I say. I never felt as if I got a holiday, much less so now, as I've been working my little ass off... But hey, the money rocks harder than a boulder concert.
And I finally got the pay raise that the law and I felt I deserved, so thats good. A whole extra 60 cents. I'm slighty richer!

My boss though, is a few tacos short of a combo plate, if you know what I mean. Chips short of a Happy Meal (mmm, chips). He couldn't get much stupider... I mean, his grandaughter came down from Balarat last week, and she was working here for work experience (grr, stupid BSC for making us do that). He trained her how to do everything we do at the deli, even slicing, which I didn't learn for a month. Grr. And now she's gone. Pity. She wasn't a bad worker, either, and god knows we need more of those... (EShay idin'tday ooklay ootay adbay eitheray *winks*) :D

So, school again on Monday. Sucks ass. Bah. I mean, sure, I'll get to see all my friends again (yay.), and I get to learn more (woo.) and get more time to myself (= less work, =less money,= bah). Yay for school. Screw up my pay packet. I worked 5 shifts this week. I'm gonna burn out soon. 5 Shifts. That's every day I'm available, and they tried to get me to work Wednesday as well (I worked Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and I'm gonna work Sunday). Still, I'm not complaining, cuz most of those were with my favourite people to work with. Then again, I don't really hate anyone there, 'sept the boss. The running joke is that he's a pervert (which he is :P).

Ooh, and today I was talking to someone, and I said that he (the boss) would never fire me, because he needs to maintain the 3:1 ratio of guys to gals... The person I was talking to responded with "What, are you all pimps or something?" I guess she didn't realise the connitations of what she said... I didn't persue that avenue, instead I said "Yeah, Joe (the boss)'s like, the head pimp..." "*Laughter*" "We call him 'The Collector'" So today was a good shift. Everyone just loves to work with me :D. One of them actually said I was one of their favourite people, ever. "Score"

My god, 4 Paragraphs on work. Damn. Poor you guys for having to read that. But really, thats all I did these holidays... Oh, yeah, I went to see the basketball on Thursday, big whoop. I got so bored that I left an hour into it. Now, finding my way home, THAT was interesting...
Oh, and on Wednesday, my cousins came down from Gippsland for the day to see me :D. I guess everyone does love me :P. Pity I had to go into school for 2 hours... Oh well... It was fun... We played some GC for a while, then went out for dinner. A good day was had.

There. One not on work. Happy now?

I've been using a lot of iTunes music cards recently. Oops. They cost $50 each, and I've got 4 sitting next to me. Heh. Still, that 126 Songs and two Music Videos... Kinda doesn't fit with their "$1.69 a song", but oh well. Who did I download, you ask? OK...
  • "Weird Al" Yankovic
  • Cake
  • Family Guy (heh)
  • Kaizers Orchestra (bite me, Rebecca)
  • The Offspring
  • Queen
  • Reel Big Fish
  • Smash Mouth
  • Tenacious D
Wow. Thats like, a list of my favourite bands and stuff. Heh.

Oh, speaking of Rebecca, one of the people I work with knows her, went to Primary School together apparrently... Poor her. Peter AND Rebecca. And she's so nice too, weird. Has she got some stories about them... Another time maybe.

Damn, I get off the work topic, and keep getting dragged back in. My bad...

Well, I've kept enough of your time ranting, so I might as well close this one up for now... Have a good one.

P.S: Hope this is long enough a post for you, Nick. 713 Words, not bad huh?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Titles are not really a necessary part of the posting process (warning, pissed off mood)

I once read that smart people only say things when they have something to say, while idiots say something for the sake of looking smart.
As such, I don't think I'll be posting quite as much as you want, Nick, because I simply don't have that much to say.
After all, why bother, when eveery thing I say's gonna get thrown back at me, while my so called friends laugh at me behind my back? And why bother, when there's alwaays someone better than me, no matter what I do? Even broad things, like intelligence, NOOOO, I can't even be equal to anyone, I'm always at the bottom of the heap. Well, according to my so called friends (some of them)
And then there's those who might accept that I am smart, even jsut a little, but then completly undermine that by bagging another aspect of my whole? Why freaking bother!?!
And then there are those of you who feel that it's immorral, or just not very nice to hold a grudge. You know what I feel like saying to them?
Of course you don't. No one does.
In this case, it's a grudge based on a so called "petty" thing between myself and another guy. A matter of no consequence, something trivial to be forgotten, and let aside. No one seems to understand that it hurt me so much when I made that decision. I make friends for life. It KILLS me to let them go. Once, maybe twice (depending on how the next couple weeks go) I've had to do that. So, whenever you feel like thinking that I should forgive, just step back and look at my pespective.
Of course, there are those of you who exhibit none of these traits, who are, in effect, my best friends. They know who they are, and I thank whatever deity exists each and every day for them.

I implore you (anyone, not just the people I've subtly mentioned) to question my motives at writing this dark post, but don't look too far into it. I'm just a noob, my opinions don't matter.

P.S: And to that loser who made me cry myself to sleep for weeks, I say this:

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Titles are for chumps

If I ever write a book, It'll have no title. And people shall refer to it as "Ben's Book". Although, that'd be a title... Hmmmm....
Oh well, getting sidetracked from my overall rambling goal, so, yeah...
I dunno what people want me to write about, so I'll just... well, not purge, I haven't eaten enough to do that (*cricket noise*), so, I guess I'll just blob all my frustrations out onto the vast wasteland that is the internet. BLOB.
So, Nick tells me I'm a good writer. Thats nice. Thanks Nick. Too kind. I (personally) don't feel I can write very well, but I suppose thats a mix of modesty and that uncanny thing that everyone does called Complement Fishing (my bad). But yeah, I just don't think my writing is particularally persuasive, or engaging, or entertaining... etc.... I'm aiming for funny, because I like to make people laugh. If I can make just one person laugh, then I'll be happy :D
I don't know how much exactly a "good post" is, or what sort of content Nick's looking for, but, yeah, as long as someone likes this, I'm cool with it.
Post... 83, I think we're up to, so that's about 17 more until the 100th post extravaganza, which will be even more extravagant than the 75th post extravaganza... maybe I can time it exactly so that I release it on Josh and Brooklyn's 1 year anniversary... Hmmm....
And Nick, I do plan on finishing that photo dealie, but I'm gonna need our school photos, because I can't remember faces for the life of me :P
So, yeah.
P.S I'm not posting again until I get some more comments, so there. On both of the posts here. You don't like it? Go find some other embittered struggling writer to leech wisdom and ideas off :P J/K. But no posts 'till I get some comments

Thursday, March 09, 2006


So I'm trying to do this shit for english, right, and I'm so bored. So here's some random ramblings that I just bleated out into word, while I was trying to type my english HW
Frigging hell this is so boring. I wish I could just go to sleep on the keyboard, but that really wouldn’t work too well with my dream, or hope rather, to pass year 10. oh well, I’ll wing it, like always. Heh. What a cool expression. Wing it. I’m so funny.Seriously, this is the most boring homework i've ever done. Telling the truth is not always the right thing to do. NO SHIT. My god, if I told the truth every single time i've ever lied, i'd be 6 feet under by now. Jeez, what kinda crappy question is that. and it's for VCE too, so lame. BOORING. LAME LAME LAME.

As you can see, I'm kinda tired. I hope that satiated the tired masses yearning for a piece of the massive wisdom that is The MonkeyMan... heh... so funny.....

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Long time since I last posted. Boo Hoo. 2 Weeks. Diddums.
I've been sick, and working my little butt off, so, yeah, no time. But still time enough for Wc3 :D
Speaking of work, apparrently (one of the managers just called me) the boss has put me on 4 shifts next week, including 2 nights I can't work. And my manager (Erin) asked me to talk to the boss, and tell him to give those shifts to full time people, who while being more expensive (the reason I've got the shifts) actually need those shifts. So good luck to me.]

Apart from that, nothing new... I got an iPod nano recently, and it's about half full (or half empty O.o) American Dad rocks, may I say, and thats about it.
So, this is Dr Benny saying farewell, and good mental health. My diagnosis? Hilarity!